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发布时间:2018-02-12 10:14

  本文关键词: 多元化 民事纠纷 韩国 解决机制 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Using the judicial resources of the state and adjudicating related civil disputes through the people's courts is the so-called litigation resolution mechanism. In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly, and social contradictions have also begun to stand out. Its characteristics include paranoia and collectivity. In view of this contradiction, it is obviously very difficult to use judicial proceedings to resolve it. As far as the current civil dispute resolution mechanism in our country is concerned, only continuous reform can be achieved. This means that the traditional concept of litigation needs to be innovated, the traditional universal view of litigation should be abandoned, and the mechanism for resolving civil disputes should be diversified through innovation. It is also necessary to further improve the current dispute legal mechanism. This not only fully reflects the respect for citizens' rights, but also provides diversified channels for safeguarding civil rights. In our country, the dispute resolution mechanism is innovated. This paper is divided into five parts: chapter one, introduction. The purpose, significance, scope and method of the research are put forward. The basic overview of diversified dispute resolution mechanism. From the connotation, characteristics and necessity of the analysis of the theoretical knowledge of the diversification dispute resolution mechanism; chapter three, The present situation of our country's diversified dispute resolution mechanism. First of all, from the point of view of the present situation of our country's diversified dispute resolution mechanism, this paper analyzes the relevant legal basis of our country's dispute resolution mechanism, in addition, points out the problems existing in our country's current dispute resolution mechanism; Chapter 4th, Korea's diversified dispute resolution mechanism. The ADR of South Korea is elaborated, and the specific measures of Korea's ADR outside the court mediation are analyzed. Chapter 5th, Korean ADR has advanced application in dispute resolution, our country can learn from Korean dispute resolution mechanism experience. At the same time, we should perfect the legislation of diversification dispute resolution mechanism in our country. Strengthen the joint application of judicial procedure and non-litigation procedure so as to build a perfect multi-party dispute resolution mechanism and maintain social order.


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