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发布时间:2016-11-26 14:06



    Information asymmetry is a widespread phenomenon. One side who attends the economic transaction has information superiority. It may distract from exclusive equilibrium price, thus obtaining more additional benefit. Information superiority can bring information dividend has become the objective reality. Only A few participants really have the advantage of information resources. But many participants claim to have absolute useful information. It brings huge impact to the traditional trading rules. Research shows that the true or false of agents with private information can identify through institution design, for example, the way of the principal-agent. But it can produce adverse selection and moral risk. According to the mechanisms of the incentive and the mechanisms of the restraint, it can be resolved by designing appropriate contracts. And the game process is very complex. The taxation also exist the interest game due to information asymmetry. This article is based on the information asymmetry theory. The participants of the game include state organs, government departments, taxation department and taxpayer. It analyzed the taxation by using the principal-agent and the information game from the perspective of behavioral psychology and social behavior. Then, it explained the complex tax phenomenon and trends. At last, it put forward some suggestions for the tax governance.Chapter one is introduction. This chapter introduced the research background, basic conception and the research status. It also put forward the subject, the research thoughts, analysis path, research methods, the possible contribution and the shortage.Chapter two is atheoretical framework:the principal-agent.It mainly defined the connotation of the formation of agency relationship and oncoming problems of adverse selection and moral risk.To solve shese problems,it needed to design the incentive mechanism.The core of the mechanism is to share the risk and the output.And the angency contract is consistent with the requirements.In order to be with the principal-agent theory,it also introduced the game theory.Chapter three is the information asymmetry analysis of tax legislation and tax revenue sharing. This chapter focused on the tax legislation and tax revenue sharing. And it mainly analyzed the interest game of taxation behavior of the government, especially between the central government and the local government.On the aspect of tax legislation, the authorities should be belong to the National People’s Congress. But the exclusive legislation right partially transfers to the state council due to the information inferiority of the National People’s Congress. The state council perfects the tax laws and regulations. At the same, the state council has the information inferiority of tax operation. The functions of regulations partially transfers to the finance Ministry, the State Taxation Administration etc. The local taxation bureau also promulgates many tax regulations. It has the more substantial influence on the taxation behavior. Different levels of tax laws have impact on our country’s taxation behavior. It determined by the information asymmetry. This way can satisfy the interests of the participants of information inferiority and build the tax system in a short period. But it also produces many problems, for example, the low level tax laws, the powerful trend of maintaining the interests of the government and tax bureau etc. Current tax laws are replaced by the departmental rules which formulated by the local government and tax bureau. So it produces confliction of tax regulations, damages the tax justice, etc. These damages mainly belong to the adverse selection problems of the agent. It can’t damage the interest of the principal, but the source and reasonable of legislative power of taxation should be doubted. It affects the interest and enthusiasm of the taxpayer.In the aspect of the tax revenue sharing, the central government divides the part of tax as local government revenue due to the classified fiscal system. The taxpayer scatters over the country. The local government occupies the details of tax status. Then, it will produce many problems, for example, hidden action in the process of tax warehousing and defining the tax base. The adverse selection should damage the interests of the central government. But the principal has the rights for modifying contracts. On one hand, the central government would obtain the additional benefit due to the centralized management. At the other hand, because the central government is the last responsible role of government management, it will act as the big pig during the process of Boxed Pigs Game and think about the difficulties of local governments. At last, it wants to attain the relative coordination in the tax revenue sharing between the central government and the local government.Chapter four is the information asymmetry analysis of tax collection process. It primarily studied the taxation behavior of the tax bureau. The information distribution of tax information systems has the function of implementing tax activities and securing taxation. The lower government has information inferiority, the senior government has more information superiority. So, the tax bureau has the trend to exaggerate taxation difficulties and taxation performance. The upper tax bureau can get more sufficient safeguard. The tax staff obtains illegitimate interests by using information superiority, for example, profit rent during the link of tax activities. The base tax staff also shows the adverse selection. When facing tasks and difficulties, they will be lazy and avoiding. These problems are the results of using information superiority. But it is caused by the moral decay and the low quality. Though game tree, it can intuitively interpret the decisive influence caused by the information asymmetry, social behavior and psychology.Chapter five is the information asymmetry analysis of tax payment process. It mainly analyzed the tax behavior. The taxpayer has the superiority for its transaction information. The phenomena of hiding information are that they brag about their economic capabilities. When they face the tax bureau, they always are poor and provide useless information for influencing tax activities. The phenomena of adverse selection are that they plan tax payment places and avoid strict tax management, etc. It is also called the grey tax compliance. Hiding activities have many forms, for example, tax evasion, tax fraud, seeking illegal tax benefits, escaping taxation management, etc. It also reflects that social psychology influences the specific tax selection. The success of tax evasion and tax fraud is not caused by high skills. It is the result that the taxpayer uses a same skill on different tax person. Game matrix specifically analyzes the probability of tax evasion event and the effects of social cognition.In addition, this chapter also discussed international taxation activities. The difficulties of national tax coordination, transformation of capital and wealth, tax havens are the phenomena of information asymmetry. Because of the role of the developed country which formulates tax regulations, the developing country need afford unusually heavy information costs, including the government and the taxpayer. Now, our country has phenomena of capital flight. It is caused by uncertain information.Chapter six is the suggestion for resolving information asymmetry problems in the tax process. It put forward many specific recommendations. Of course, the phenomenon of information asymmetry could not exterminate. The realistic choice is tolerant of these phenomena. But it needs try our best to control the negative effect. The thoughts are signal display and shaping the reputation. The former is based on the orientation of social behavior. And the key of the latter is using social and psychological effects. At the same time, it also put forward five preliminary approaches. Firstly, facing the rapid development of amount of information, it need to improve automation level of the information process, improve accuracy and processing efficiency of information transmission, obtaining, analysis and feedback by technological means. Meanwhile, the informatization should be implemented in three aspects of the government, taxation process and taxpayer business processing. And it should issue regulations to assure the equivalence of information for occupies and sharing. Secondly, it increases the disclosure of asymmetric information required by the public and the media and makes the private information be public in a legal and moral way. Thereby, it can reduce contingent profits for private information made or kept by the agent. So, it assured the tax justice. Thirdly, it is necessary to invite the third-party professional strength to participate in the tax behavior and maintains the objective and fair position. It can standard the tax law and make the economic behavior healthy and orderly. Fourthly, it should adopt the way of guarantee and vertical integration for the big amount of taxpayers and the serious endogenous breeding information. Through reducing the amount of taxpayers, it can make important tax behavior enter into processing procedures. It also can significantly save resources of the tax agent and the taxpayer, reduce the amount of second information formation, and overcome information rent. At last, it should pay attention to tax legalization and the function of market mechanism. It is the most fundamental and the most important. The effects of the development of economic society on tax behavior can not be predicted. The information is objective. The different of person’s standpoint and motives can make the information asymmetry be negative. It can be resolved by tax regulations. Through these basic rules, the information asymmetry can not be common. Because the invisible market hand and the legalization can quickly squeeze the profit space of information asymmetry.This chapter is the last section. And it also put forward four specific suggestions for the above phenomena and problems. At first, it should pay attention to the seriousness of tax legislation. The National People’s Congress should formulate and promulgate all reasonable tax laws and regulations as soon as possible, reduce the phenomena of delegated legislation greatly, and regulate normally the implementation of tax laws and regulations. For the tax sharing, it needs to normalize budgeting of governments at all levels in order to ensure property rights and the power matching. It also needs to transfer the tax system mainly from turnover tax to property tax to narrow the coverage of the tax objects and reduce the economic effects of tax. Secondly, for the taxation participant, it needs to straighten out the function of taxation. And the tax system should realize the transformation from enforcing tax laws and completing tax revenue to servicing the public. Then, it needs to reduce tax bureau and the tax staff to realize the government department integration pattern. Thirdly, in order to resolve problems of taxation, it needs to change the compulsory intrusive tax management, advocate the taxpayer autonomous and make the taxpayer take part in government affairs and related tax matters. At last, in the aspect of international tax, on one hand need to strengthen tax sovereignty consciousness, regulate the tax of international capital flows, related transaction, and virtual economy, etc. In addition, it needs to adjust the export tax refund policy. On the other hand, it needs to protect economic activities in foreign and maintain economic freedom. In a word, taxation is the fundamental backing of a stronger country.



内容摘要4-9ABSTRACT9-131. 导论:研究背景及文献综述17-28    1.1 选题背景及研究意义17-19    1.2 文献综述19-23        1.2.1 信息不对称理论的兴起和发展20-21        1.2.2 用信息不对称理论分析税收现象21-22        1.2.3 既有以信息不对称研究税收问题的主要不足22-23    1.3 研究方法及分析工具23-24    1.4 研究思路及文章结构24-25    1.5 创新与不足25-282. 委托代理:信息不对称的一个理论框架28-39    2.1 信息不对称的含义28-29    2.2 委托——代理关系的形成29-31    2.3 委托代理关系带来新问题31-33    2.4 委托代理关系中的激励机制33-36    2.5 博弈方法与信息不对称36-393. 税收立法及税收分享中的信息不对称分析39-63    3.1 制定税法等税收规制的信息不对称分析39-48        3.1.1 严格意义的税收立法行为的信息不对称分析41-42        3.1.2 制定税收性法规及规章的信息不对称分析42-44        3.1.3 制定税法及其规制形成委托代理而引致的问题44-48    3.2 分税制下的利益博弈及道德风险48-57        3.2.1 地方出现隐藏行动的道德风险49-50        3.2.2 隐藏信息的道德风险50-57    3.3 委托人的道德风险问题57-63        3.3.1 中央政府在划分税收级次上的道德风险57-58        3.3.2 地方政府执行房地产调控政策的道德风险58-60        3.3.3 上下级政府间的利益博弈及中央政府的自我管理60-634. 税务征收过程中的信息不对称分析63-84    4.1 征税过程的委托——代理关系63-65    4.2 税务机关对政府的隐藏信息行为65-68    4.3 上下级税务机关之间的利益博弈68-73        4.3.1 征税保障上的代理人现象69-70        4.3.2 税收执法上的委托人危机70-73    4.4 征税过程中的隐藏行动问题73-77        4.4.1 税务腐败的现实情形分析73-76        4.4.2 税务腐败行为的形成过程76-77    4.5 征税过程中的逆向选择问题77-84        4.5.1 税务人员逆向选择的客观条件78-80        4.5.2 考录税务公务员的逆向逆向选择80-81        4.5.3 行业税负管理中的逆向选择81-845. 纳税过程中的信息不对称分析84-104    5.1 纳税过程中的委托代理关系84-86    5.2 不完全信息下的偷税博弈86-92    5.3 不对称信息下纳税程度的现实分析92-100    5.4 开放环境下的信息不对称影响税收行为100-1046. 缓解税收中信息不对称问题的政策建议104-123    6.1 税收上的信息不对称难题104-105    6.2 破解信息不对称的基本思路105-107    6.3 减少信息不对称问题的政策建议107-117        6.3.1 电子信息化建设及拓宽信息获取路径107-109        6.3.2 公众监督与媒体披露109-111        6.3.3 中介机构和专业人士的评估111-113        6.3.4 担保和垂直整合113-115        6.3.5 坚守法制化原则,坚信市场引导经济行为的基础作用115-117    6.4 应对文章中讨论的不利税收现象的具体措施建议117-123        6.4.1 理顺税法体系,增强税法权威和容易执行117-118        6.4.2 简并税务管理职能,增强税务管理效率118-120        6.4.3 税收不遵从的治理及纳税人意识的培育120-121        6.4.4 增强国家在国际事务中的行动能力,维护国家和国民的利益121-123参考文献123-136后记136-138致谢138-139






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