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发布时间:2018-06-16 23:13

  本文选题:营销战略 + 营销策略 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the three major operators operate the 4G network in a large scale, it is an opportunity and a challenge to the manufacturers. In the course of this process, operators often compete intensively to compete for projects, and there is a vicious competition at low prices. Price wars force operators to cut down all kinds of tariffs, and their own profits decline by a large margin. With more added value being plundered by content makers, operators began to "be managed." Access network manufacturers still need to face the development of related products from growth to maturity and then to decline. In the context of the telecommunications industry today, how should R companies develop strategies and strategies suitable for their own? The R company, which entered the communication industry earlier, has experienced many problems, such as financing difficulty, capital chain breaking, market weakness, company transformation failure and so on, although its performance has been increasing greatly since the company was founded. This paper firstly analyzes the external environment of R Company from the strategic level, and adopts pest analysis method. The external political environment, economic environment, social environment and technological environment of R Company are studied, and the competitors in the industry are also investigated and analyzed in detail. Secondly, it analyzes the internal environment of R Company, mainly studies the marketing means, resources and competitiveness of R Company, and finds out the core competitiveness of R Company. Then list the EFE and IFE tables for R Company, and do SWOT analysis according to the tables. In this paper, the STP analysis of all markets of R Company is carried out, and the difference between the market of operator and the market of industry is studied, and the conclusion is drawn that the target market of the company should be located in the market of major customer access of the operator. Then using the management theory knowledge learned by MBA to study R Company's strategy, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of "Total cost leading Strategy", "Specialization Strategy" and "differentiation Strategy" to R Company, respectively, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of "Total cost leading Strategy", "Specialization Strategy" and "differentiation Strategy" respectively. Finally, we draw the conclusion that: r company is suitable to adopt differentiation strategy. Finally, the marketing strategy of R Company is studied by 4P analysis method, and the product strategy, price strategy and channel strategy of R Company are analyzed and studied in detail. Sales promotion strategy and according to the current R company to take the strategy to improve the strategy and control the implementation of the means.


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