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生物多样性 2010, 18 (5): 429–443

Biodiversity Science http: //http://www.wendangwang.com 生物多样性信息学研究进展

王利松1 陈 彬1 纪力强2 马克平1*

1 (中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093) 2 (中国科学院动物研究所, 北京 100101)

摘要: 生物多样性信息学是一门蓬勃发展的新学科。它将现代的信息技术带入生物多样性及其相关学科的研究领域。它在生物多样性基础数据的数字化、模型工具和各种工具软件的开发、数据整合, 以及全球、地区和国家尺度生物多样性信息网络等多个方面的发展, 向我们展示了未来在全球范围内自由、免费共享生物多样性数据和信息, 以及人们行动起来共同关注、调查与监测野外生物多样性的前景。目前, 已有大量数字化的物种编目、标本馆标本、多媒体影像、研究文献等生物多样性基础信息可以通过互联网检索和利用。其中, 最值得关注的是一些成功的国际性研究项目, 如物种2000、全球生物多样性信息网络、生命条形码以及网络生命大百科全书。这些项目的成功不仅体现在对大量基础信息和数据的发布, 而且它们通过与生物多样性信息标准TDWG(Biodiversity In-formation Standards: TDWG)的合作, 推动了达尔文核心标准(Darwin Core)等一些重要的生物多样性信息标准的应用, 以及地区和国家性生物多样性信息节点的建立, 这些都为将来全球范围生物多样性信息的共享和数据交换奠定了重要基础。在数字化信息的基础上, 研究人员也开发了一些在特定研究领域应用的数据挖掘和模型工具, 例如基于数字化标本的地理分布预测工具MAXENT, 分类学专家知识管理的LifeDesk。公民科学理念的发展则向我们展示了公众和科学爱好者广泛参与以互联网为基础的生物多样性信息学研究活动。因此, 生物多样性信息学的发展前景广阔, 它将为我们实现全球保护战略目标, 应对生物多样性危机, 解决全球气候变化条件下生物多样性资源管理和利用建立坚实的信息基础。

关键词: 生物多样性, 信息学, 数据库, 物种, 标本, 地理信息系统

Progress in Biodiversity Informatics

Lisong Wang1, Bin Chen1, Liqiang Ji2, Keping Ma1*

1 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093 2 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101

Abstract: Biodiversity Informatics is a young and rapidly growing field that brings information science and technologies to bear on the data and information generated by the study of biodiversity and related subjects. Recent years, biodiversity informatics community has made an extraordinary effort to digitize primary bio-diversity data, and develop modelling tools, data integration, and county/regional/global biodiversity net-works. In doing so, the community is creating an unprecedented global sharing of information and data pro-duced by biodiversity science, and encouraging people to consider, survey and monitor natural biodiversity. Due to success of several international biodiversity informatics projects, such as Species 2000, Global Bio-diversity Information Facility, Barcoding of Life and Encyclopedia of Life, digitized information on species inventories, herbarium specimens, multimedia and literature is available through internet. These projects not only make great contributions to sharing digitized biodiversity data, but also in prompting the implementa-tion of important biodiversity information standards, such as Darwin Core, and in the establishment of re-gional and national biodiversity networks. These efforts will facilitate the future establishment of a strong information infrastructure for data sharing and exchange at a global scale. Besides focusing on browsing and searching digitized data, scientists should also work on building data mining and modeling, such as MAX-—————————————————— 收稿日期: 2010-04-19; 接受日期: 2010-05-30

基金项目: 中国科学院信息化专项项目(INFO-115-C01-SDB1-02)和国家自然科学基金(No. 30800057) * 通讯作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail: kpma@





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