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发布时间:2019-01-13 09:16
[Abstract]:In this paper, the method of experimental research is used to study the cost control performance of construction projects. This paper probes into the influence of construction project characteristics on information rent in manager's cost control and on the conflict between principal and agent in the process of formulating target responsibility cost, and further analyzes information rent on this basis. The influence of internal conflict on the performance of construction project responsibility cost control separately and interactively. It is found that because the key cost factors of construction project are difficult to be quantified and the cost calculation is not repeatable and verifiable, it will lead to the rent-seeking behavior of the project manager when the cost savings of the construction project are large. But the information rent will decrease with the increase of the number of games. Both information rent and game conflict have a negative impact on the annual cost performance of the project department, but when the external environment is a reward mechanism, the interaction between the conflict and the information rent can improve the cost control performance of the enterprise. According to the experimental conclusions, this paper provides the corresponding policy recommendations.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学国际商学院;西南财经大学会计学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(70872093、71172228、71102181) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-09-0658) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC630253) 财政部全国会计领军(后备)人才培训项目资助


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1 曾静;成本管理信息租金、内部冲突与控制绩效[D];西南财经大学;2011年

2 郑东华;工程项目内部冲突管理理论研究及其运用[D];湖南大学;2007年




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