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发布时间:2019-02-23 22:40
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, the process of urbanization in China has been speeding up. The problems of population expansion, environmental pollution, lack of resources and traffic jam in cities have become the main problems restricting the development of cities in China. As a new direction of the combination of information technology and urban management services, the intelligent city provides an opportunity to solve various problems in the current urban development. On the basis of deeply analyzing the concept of intelligent city, the present situation of development at home and abroad, the core characteristics, the supporting technology and the development goal, from the angle of company A, this paper puts forward the idea of turning wisdom into a new growth point for the development of urban informatization. It is suggested that the company conduct in-depth analysis and study on the problems existing in the construction of a smart city according to the present situation of the construction of a city, find out the problems existing in the construction of the intelligent city and information management in a certain city, and give some concrete countermeasures. It has positive significance for deepening the understanding of wisdom city theory and promoting the application practice of company A in wisdom city. Relying on the development of the information industry and the innovation and application of technology, the city integrates all kinds of information resources, promotes the transformation of the city's development model into a smart city, manages the city modernization, and promotes the overall quality of life and happiness index of the people. To solve the current urban problems, such as population expansion, environmental pollution, lack of resources, traffic congestion, etc. Through in-depth analysis and study of the city, Company A believes that the city currently has a good development environment and development conditions for building a smart city. However, at the present stage, there are still some problems, such as imperfection of information infrastructure, unbreakable barriers to data opening, imperfect technical support system of intelligent cities, unoutstanding benefits of typical applications, and the formation of profitable business models, etc., which need to be solved as soon as possible. According to the existing problems of a city, this paper puts forward concrete improvement measures from the perspective of company A, that is, lay down the development foundation of the intelligent city and further improve the basic supporting system of the intelligent city; Focus on the stage to promote the open sharing of government data, accelerate the transformation and upgrading, promote the synchronous development of new intelligent industries, plan for long-term development, establish urban planning, construction and operation management coordination mechanism; Eliminate the hidden dangers of security, and create an intelligent and efficient network security guarantee system.


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