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发布时间:2019-04-12 07:23
[Abstract]:In order to continue to maintain an absolute lead in 4G deep coverage, and strongly support the development of 4G subscribers and services, China Mobile's new development strategy during the 13th five-year Plan period, from "Mobile changing Life" to "realizing Dalian Connectivity Strategy," More infrastructure will continue to be built, with more than 1.4 million 4G base stations to be built by the end of 2016, experimenting with NB-IoT and eMTC in an effort to drive 5G commercial use in mainland China by 2020. In this paper, DT wireless base station research and development project as the research object, using the project management, project schedule management and other relevant theoretical knowledge and methods, in view of the progress management in the process of the project encountered in the problems, combined with the actual environment of DT company, At the same time, in the process of project implementation, we should take positive measures to organize and implement, control and adjust the plan to ensure the smooth completion of the project tasks, and obtain good customer evaluation. On the basis of consulting a large number of literature and practical investigation, this paper makes a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the progress management of the wireless base station project. The main work is as follows: 1) risk management is carried out by using the LECD damage valuation method proposed by Professor Graham in 1923, and the risk R repair risk is incorporated into the risk analysis according to the characteristics of the wireless base station project. The revised evaluation method is more suitable for the risk assessment of wireless base station projects. 2) from the whole research and development project of wireless base stations, the project is decomposed by scientific methods. The work breakdown structure diagram of the base station R & D project of DT Company is compiled by using WBS. 3) through the theoretical research on how to do the project schedule well, the formulation of the progress plan is explained in detail, and the methods and tools of the technology principle and the system are used in detail. Such as project work decomposition structure-WBS and some methods of managing project schedule. 4) using dynamic control principle, information principle of project schedule control and network planning technology principle, The project schedule control process of DT wireless base station R & D project is established, and the project management organization is set up to control the project progress. Use dynamic monitoring method and project progress report to control project progress. In the implementation of project progress control, Gantt Chart is used to compare the project progress and adjust the project progress. At the end of this paper, taking the wireless base station construction project of DT Company as an example, the management mode of the research and development project of large-scale base station construction has been applied in the whole process of the construction of this project, and good results have been obtained.


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