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发布时间:2017-04-20 10:19


【关键词】:博通 利益相关者理论 竞争伙伴同盟 后进入策略 代理商 设计方案商
  • 摘要6-15
  • Chapter 1 Introduction15-21
  • 1.1 The research background and significance of the Subject15-17
  • 1.2 Research framework and methods of the study17-21
  • Chapter 2 Theory review of market competition strategy21-32
  • 2.1 Target market positioning (STP) theory22-23
  • 2.2 Competitive strategy theory23-26
  • 2.3 Stakeholder theory26-32
  • Chapter 3 Case descrtion: Introduction of Broadcom Co. and Broadcom China mobile terminal Business32-45
  • 3.1 Introduction of the Broadcom Corporation and Broadcom China32-36
  • 3.2 Introduction of Broadcom mobile terminal product line36-37
  • 3.3 Existing business model of Broadcom China mobile terminal37-41
  • 3.4 The challenges and chances of Broadcom China mobile terminal business41-45
  • Chapter 4 Analysis of Mobile terminal industry chain and macro environment45-57
  • 4.1 Overview of the development of the global communication market45-50
  • 4.2 Mobile terminal industry chain and value analysis50-57
  • Chapter 5 Analysis of Broadcom China mobile terminal business stakeholders57-67
  • 5.1 Analysis of the main competitors of Broadcom China mobile terminal service57-62
  • 5.2 Business partners analysis of Broadcom China mobile terminal62-67
  • Chapter 6 Business problems and marketing competitive strategy of Broadcom China mobile terminal business67-81
  • 6.1 SWOT analysis of Broadcom China mobile terminal business67-72
  • 6.2 Marketing strategy choice and implementation of Broadcom China mobile terminal business72-81
  • Chapter 7 Summary and Prospect81-82
  • 7.1 Summary of research contents81
  • 7.2 Research content limitations and expectation81-82
  • Appendix82-84
  • Appendix 1 The development chronological table of Broadcom82-84
  • Reference84-85


中国期刊全文数据库 前2条

1 林丹;;4G移动通信技术的现状与发展趋势探讨[J];科技信息;2013年24期

2 夏晖;关于战略管理理论发展历程的综述[J];中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版);2003年S2期





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