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The implementation of reference based decision making using

发布时间:2016-09-27 09:09



The implementation of reference based decision making using spiking network with asymmetric connectivity

Liu-Tao YU  Si WU  Da-Hui WANG  

【摘要】:The flexible decision based on the variable reference is an important higher cognitive function and plays key roles in our daily life.However,httle is known about the underlying neural dynamics.Here we propose a spiking network to implement one flexible decision task,in which the arbitrary reference motion direction is presented at first and one test motion direction is presented after a delay.The task is to decide whether the test motion direction is clockwise or anticlockwise with respect to the variable reference motion direction.Our spiking network has three layers.The first layer consists of neurons arranged as a ring according to their preferring motion direction with a local excitation and long range inhibition connectivity,memorizing the reference motion direction.The neurons in the second layer are arranged as two separate rings,clockwise preferring ring and anticlockwise preferring ring,and each ring has a similar connectivity with that of the first layer.The second layer simultaneously receives the synaptic inputs from the first layer and the synaptic inputs representing the test motion direction.The third layer consists of an established decision circuit and receives the synaptic inputs from the second layer and makes a decision.The connections from the first layer to the second layer are asymmetry.There is a clockwise shift of connections from the first layer to the clockwise preferring ring and an anticlockwise shift from the first layer to the anticlockwise preferring ring,which underlies the flexible decision making of the motion direction.The simulations demonstrate that our spiking network can implement the flexible decision making.The results of our model can be tested by experiment.

【作者单位】:School of Systems Science and National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning,Beijing Normal University School of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning,Beijing Normal University

The implementation of reference based decision making using spiking network with asymmetric connectivity@Liu-Tao YU$School of Systems Science and National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning,Beijing Normal University!Beijing 100875,Chin




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