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发布时间:2019-05-09 22:03
【摘要】:正如传播学大师麦克卢汉所言:“媒介即信息”。每种新媒体的诞生都开创了人类社交和生活的新起点,,从语言、文字、印刷到广播、电话和互联网时代,技术的革新让人类不断打破时空的限制,实现人际间的充分连接。 作为一种全新的社交媒介,社交网络将信息传播与网络社交的互动体验优化到最佳的整合方式以帮助人们更好地完成与信息间的融合。 用户市场对具备不同社交功能社交网络需求的日益增长促使该类产品的设计与运作更加趋向成熟。而社交网络的界面设计则成为人机交互过程中,社交媒介产品与市场受众最为直观和紧密的展示与体验。 网络界面设计是一种建立在新型媒体之上的新型设计。 随着计算机技术的日益提升,网络界面的呈现已不只局限于满足信息的精确传达而是强调其视觉语言的艺术化表达。 对追求用户流量与粘连度的社交网络而言,合理的界面艺术设计理念与技术的融合能帮助网站在竞争激烈的同类社交产品中完成自身特点的树立与强化。 虽然国内的社交网络产品大多来自于对西方社交网络的借鉴与模仿,但基于中西方文化背景、艺术审美观念、人际关系处理方式与技艺融合价值观的不同,中西方社交网络界面在整体风格、信息框架结构、视觉元素、人机交互元素等方面的表达仍呈现出一定的个性化特征和差异。 本文试图从社交网络全球化发展的宏观角度,对中西方具有代表性的社交网络界面设计做出对比分析,并结合“文化研究”和“案例体验研究”的方法,探讨中西方社交网络界面设计特色化的形成原因。最后,借鉴中西方社交网络已有的设计理念优势和人工智能必将高度融入用户虚拟社交体验的技术趋势提出了中国社交网络优化的设计方案。
[Abstract]:As MacLuhan, a master of communication, put it: "Media is information." The birth of each new media has created a new starting point for human society and life, from language, text, printing to the age of radio, telephone and Internet. Technological innovation has enabled human beings to break the limits of time and space and realize full interpersonal connection. As a new social media, social networks optimize the interactive experience of information communication and social networking to the best way to help people better integrate with information. The increasing demand for social networks with different social functions in the user market makes the design and operation of this kind of products more mature. The interface design of social network has become the most intuitive and close display and experience between social media products and market audiences in the process of human-computer interaction. Network interface design is a new design based on new media. With the improvement of computer technology, the presentation of network interface is not only limited to satisfying the accurate transmission of information, but also emphasizes the artistic expression of its visual language. For the social network that pursues user flow and adhesion, the combination of rational interface art design concept and technology can help the website to set up and strengthen its own characteristics in the competitive social products of the same kind. Although most of the domestic social network products come from the reference and imitation of the western social network, but based on the Chinese and western cultural background, artistic aesthetic concept, interpersonal relationship processing and skills fusion values of different values, There are still some personalized features and differences in the expression of social network interface between China and the West in the aspects of overall style, information framework structure, visual elements, human-computer interaction elements and so on. This paper attempts to make a comparative analysis of the representative social network interface design in China and the West from the macro point of view of the development of social network globalization, and combines the methods of "Cultural study" and "case experience study". This paper discusses the causes of the characteristics of social network interface design in China and the West. Finally, based on the advantages of the existing design concepts of Chinese and Western social networks and the technical trend that artificial intelligence will be highly integrated into the virtual social experience of users, the optimization design scheme of Chinese social networks is put forward.


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