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发布时间:2018-11-27 09:46
[Abstract]:The impact of services is pervasive. From the traditional machinery manufacturing to the information industry, enterprises and customers are very concerned about the quality of service. As a special service industry, telecom enterprises pay more attention to service quality. By analyzing the content and influencing factors of telecom service quality management, this paper discusses the design of customer perceived telecommunication service quality, and puts forward its evaluation index system. Based on the establishment of monopoly enterprise model and duopoly competition model of telecom service quality, this paper analyzes the strategy choice and its influence of telecom operators' quality competition, and on this basis, constructs the telecom service quality management system. Finally, by means of investigation, comparative study, historical research and mathematical statistics, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the customer satisfaction before and after the improvement of Xiangtan telecom service quality. This paper holds that service quality is one of the sources of enterprise service competitive advantage, employee management is the focus and difficulty of service quality, and information communication can improve customer satisfaction.


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