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发布时间:2018-05-25 02:19

  本文选题:韩愈 + 《毛颖传》 ; 参考:《安徽师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Han Yu's "Biography of Mao Ying" is an article of Game, and also an essay of Eternal Wonders. The author, the author of the historical biography, the fable, the novel, and so on, uses the style of "taking the text as the play" to sing the inner "injustice" into the text. "Mao Ying Zhuan" came out, and there were many imitations in the later generations, and two imitations arose in the Song Dynasty. This paper takes the imitation of Mao Ying in Song Dynasty as the research object, and tries to find out the law of the development of the imitation, including the development course, the breakthrough, the significance and the artistic defect of the imitation. There are four parts in the text. The first part discusses the development of the imitation of Mao Ying in Song Dynasty. From the diachronic level, this paper explores the development of imitation in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, and discusses the characteristics of the two periods from the synchronic level. The Northern Song Dynasty was the flourishing period of imitating works. In this period, there were two types of imitative works: the same purpose and the creative ones, which existed in the form of imitation groups. The Southern Song Dynasty was the following period of imitating works, which was inferior to the artistic creativity of the Northern Song Dynasty, but better than that of the previous dynasties in reflecting the breadth and depth of life, which contained the special "spiritual climate" of the times. The second part discusses the new changes in the imitation of Mao Ying in Song Dynasty. While inheriting the tradition of the previous generation, the imitation works of the Song Dynasty were also innovated. There are three specific points: from the external form and narrative mode, break through the single mode before the Song Dynasty, from "monism" to "pluralism", from the lyric way and creative attitude, from "its accumulation" to "resentment but not anger"; From the relationship between subject and object in parody, it has experienced the process from "object I correspondence" to "material I separation". The third part investigates the imitation works of Song Dynasty in the context of the development of literature in Song Dynasty, mainly from the perspective of literary concept and stylistic concept. From the point of view of literary concept, the practice of imitation in Song Dynasty inherited the literary concept of "taking literature as drama", "taking reason as new, taking vulgarity as elegance", "taking discussion as literature, and taking talent and learning as literature". From the aspect of stylistic concept, the breakthrough of the body of Historical Biography and the deepening of the body of Literary Biography have been realized. The fourth part studies the defects and causes of the imitation of Mao Ying in Song Dynasty. The defects of the imitation of Mao Ying in Song Dynasty are as follows: first, the convergence of the contents of the subject matter, it is easy to make the same family background of the characters, the same image of the characters, the same allusion, and the other is the similarity of the meaning of the theme, which is manifested as "the sound of unfairness." The third is the pattern of narrative structure, which mainly follows the layout of original works and narrative techniques. The reasons are mainly related to the objective environment, literary literacy, creative attitude and the limitation of imitation.


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