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发布时间:2018-03-05 09:23

  本文选题:“教学行为” 切入点:失范 出处:《四川师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:"High school teacher, behavior world fan", teacher's behavior will influence the development of the students. For a long time, the teaching behavior of teachers "education has gradually become the focus in the academic circles, with the progress of the research, some scholars from the" code of conduct "," occupation morality "to provide it ought to be for teachers' teaching behavior, another part of scholars began to pay attention to education in the practice of" Teaching Behavior Anomie ", tries to reflect the error, formulate measures to avoid the occurrence of" teaching anomie ". Based on the analysis of the teachers' Teaching Behavior Anomie self explanation, analysis and common orientation the fundamental reason, explore" good for students "self explanation why it seems established in anomie, and then try to find a way to evade the teacher's Teaching Behavior Anomie way. The text is divided into five parts, the contents are summarized as follows: The first part reviews the existing literature found that "Teaching Behavior Anomie" attribution of the surface, the anomie countermeasures ineffective. Accordingly the research status, research ideas from theory to explain the self explanation. The second part from "anomie" theory of the predicament of the interpretation, analysis "the other", it is difficult to change the anomie behavior. Thus turned to the teacher's Teaching Behavior Anomie self explanation, found that it is the deep basis of Teaching Behavior Anomie ". The third part of the combination of teachers' Teaching Behavior Anomie classification, interviewing of teachers' self Behavior Anomie explain" carries on the analysis, find the common orientation of self explanation "and the fundamental reason, that is" good for the student ". The fourth part is from the teachers should be" good for the students, teachers know the students "how to be good" Teachers can make students "not good now", and explain themselves in a progressive way. Why do we explain the self explanation of "good for students"? The fifth part, based on cultural background, criticizes the self explanation of "good for students", and tries to find a way to avoid the anomie of Teachers' teaching behavior.



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