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发布时间:2018-04-01 05:12

  本文选题:武术 切入点:小学生 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the implementation of the "opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening the physical Fitness of Young people" and the "outline of the National Medium- and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020", Martial arts activities in primary and secondary schools have been carried out intensively throughout the country. Henan, as a large province of martial arts culture, has abundant resources for martial arts education. Martial arts, for the majority of primary school students, not only have the effect of exercising their physique, but also strengthening their bodies and minds. It also has a positive impact on promoting the national pride and self-confidence of young people. This study mainly starts from the development of martial arts in primary school students, and analyzes the characteristics of motivation and effect of martial arts learning according to different gender, region and grade. The purpose of this study is to find out the measures to improve Wushu teaching in this area and the countermeasures for its sustainable development in the future. This study was carried out in 6 primary schools in Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, which offer Wushu school-based courses. 500 pupils in grades 3 to 6 were randomly selected as the objects of investigation. According to the principle of compiling the scale, the learning motivation scale of primary and middle school students by Lin Jinxiu was consulted, and according to Ausubel's theory of learning motivation, The psychologist Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs, combined with the general characteristics of pupils' physical and mental development, selected the Self-made Wushu Learning motivation scale for Primary School students, which divides the test questions into physical fitness, interest in learning, and social interaction. According to the principle of sociological investigation, according to the principle of sociological investigation, the questionnaire of Primary School students' Wushu Learning effect combined with the age characteristics and cognitive level of primary school students, the test questions were tested according to the physical development and cognition. Five levels of skills, psychological development and social adaptation were tested, and the data of learning motivation and effect were analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: questionnaire design: the questionnaire of pupils' Wushu learning motivation is divided into social interaction, physical fitness, The characteristics of learning motivation of primary school students in Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou are as follows: male students' motivation for learning focuses on physical fitness, satisfaction of self-esteem and interest in learning. Female students are more inclined to socialize and realize their wishes. Rural school pupils are mainly motivated to learn by meeting their self-esteem, while urban pupils are mainly motivated by social interaction. The difference of motivation among students of different grades is not obvious, all of them are mainly social communication. The learning effect: the effect of learning martial arts for primary school students in Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City is better than that of girls in terms of physical growth, among which the effect of male students is better than that of female students. In different regions, rural students have better effects than urban students in three aspects: increasing physical ability, mastering knowledge and improving skills, while female students are superior to boys in psychological development and social adaptation. In addition, the school effect of primary school students learning martial arts is mainly psychological development, there is no difference between different grades.


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