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spatial relations territorial relations Beibei Chongqing, tr

发布时间:2016-11-24 13:10



Spatial relations between Beibei and Chongqing urban area based on the data of traffic and residents trip surveys

[1] [2] [3] [4]

ZONG Huiming, YI Zheng, QIAN Zihua, DONG Ensheng (1. School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2. Institute of Urban Planning and Design

[1]西南大学地理科学学院,重庆400715; [2]重庆市城市规划设计研究院,重庆401147


AbstrRapid industrialization and urbanization reshapes the urban systems and the urban structures. The spatial relations could be divided into two types: network relations and territorial relations. Network relations refer to the long distance relations at a higher level, such as global, regional or national level; territorial network refers to relations of proximity, which generally occurs at regional or sub-regional level. The former one had been discussed fully by researchers. Some studies had been widely used in urban and regional planning practice. However, fewer studies had referred to the topic of territorial network. This paper aimed to explore the territorial relations between Beibei and Chongqing urban area which is in the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization. Firstly, this paper examined the whole process of the two areas' development. Based on the data of traffic and residents trip surveys, we argued that the relations between Beibei and Chongqing urban area were different from that of the classic satellite town theory in urban geography. Beibei had been an important functional area of Chongqing urban area, and attracted lots of jobs and industry. The research showed that links between two areas shrink as the distance decay. And this characteristic had some relations with local economy, social relationships. At last, we conducted an explaining theory framework, which included economic, social, political and transportation factors, and concluded that the political factors played most important roles in this process, such as urban planning, and transportation investment.


Keyword::spatial relations territorial relations Beibei Chongqing, traffic survey








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