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发布时间:2018-05-17 10:47

  本文选题:县域 + 农业 ; 参考:《中国农业资源与区划》2017年02期

[Abstract]:[objective] to analyze the level of agricultural sustainable development in different regions of Fujian Province. [methods] the correlation analysis method and principal component analysis method were used to collect the basic agricultural data from 2011 to 2012 in Fujian Province. The evaluation system of agricultural sustainable development level of 67 county units in Fujian Province and the weight of evaluation system were established, and the comprehensive evaluation model of agricultural sustainable development level in county area of Fujian Province was established by using weighted summation method. Based on the analysis of agricultural resources subsystem, agricultural ecological environment subsystem, agricultural social economy subsystem and comprehensive index of county agricultural sustainable development in Fujian Province, the index and spatial distribution of county agricultural sustainable development level in Fujian Province are obtained. The causes of its formation are discussed. [results] the results showed that the overall level of sustainable agricultural development in county areas of Fujian Province from 2011 to 2012 was good. In general, the sustainable development index of agricultural resources in the west of Fujian and the north of Fujian was relatively high. The index of sustainable development of agricultural environment and ecology is higher in the east of Fujian, the sustainable development index of agricultural society and economy is higher in the west of Fujian, and the comprehensive index of the sustainable development of agriculture is higher in the west of Fujian and the north of Fujian. [conclusion] according to the results of evaluation and analysis, the future direction of sustainable development of county agriculture in Fujian Province is put forward, which provides a reference for sustainable development of agriculture in county area of Fujian Province.
【作者单位】: 福建省农村工作研究中心;


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