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发布时间:2017-12-31 00:06

  本文关键词:LZ期货公司资产管理业务营销渠道研究 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 期货 资产管理 营销渠道

[Abstract]:In July 2012, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) examined and adopted the "pilot measures on Asset Management of Futures companies", which formally became the diversified operation of futures companies. Get rid of the important breakthrough point of single broker business model. Carry out the research on the marketing channel of futures asset management products. LZ futures company is a large futures company, which has strong strength and market advantages in the field of traditional futures brokerage business. But progress in innovative futures asset management business progress is slow. The marketing of futures asset management business is difficult to find the focus and breakthrough. Firstly, this paper analyzes the current situation of the marketing channel of asset management business of LZ Futures Company. Found that the company's marketing channel resources are relatively rich, with a large number of, widely distributed marketing network, but in the marketing channel of the organizational structure. There are some problems that affect the efficiency and function of marketing channel in the aspects of team building and incentive assessment, while exploring the LZ company's own problems. This paper analyzes the macro-environment and micro-environment in which LZ Company carries out asset management business, and makes a comparative analysis with the marketing channels of competitors in the same industry. LZ company asset management business marketing channel construction of the crux of the work. In order to further explore the LZ company asset management business marketing channel construction and optimization measures. This paper continues to carry out the target market positioning analysis of asset management business of LZ Company. Combined with the advantages and capabilities of LZ Company, the market of managed asset management products is regarded as the main target market of LZ Company. Take risk preference type high net worth customer as the main target customer group, and implement the centralized marketing strategy in the management product market, in order to obtain the competitive advantage in the specific market. This paper puts forward that LZ company's asset management marketing channel construction needs to optimize the channel structure, appropriately increase the marketing network, improve the marketing support system, strengthen brand image publicity and other aspects of systematization, comprehensive development. The paper also puts forward specific suggestions on the construction of LZ company's marketing channel, hoping to improve the marketing channel of LZ futures company's asset management business and enhance the competitiveness of LZ company's asset management business.


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