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发布时间:2018-01-07 23:08

  本文关键词:利率市场化背景下我国商业银行的利率风险衡量 出处:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 利率市场化 商业银行 利率风险 衡量

[Abstract]:With the accelerating marketization of interest rate in China, the problem of interest rate risk management is becoming more and more prominent. Strengthening interest rate risk management has also become an urgent requirement for commercial banks. Interest rate marketization is not only the inherent requirement to realize marketization of the whole financial system of our country, but also to improve the efficiency of the whole financial system. It is also in order to adapt to the uniform rules of global financial markets and to participate actively in the international economy. Financial cooperation and competition lay the foundation. Interest rate marketization in the short and long term will have a comprehensive impact on the management of commercial banks in China, how to deal with the opportunities and challenges of marketization calmly. Improve the level of interest rate risk management, in the increasingly market-oriented and increasingly open business environment in an invincible position. It has become an urgent task for China's commercial banks. This paper studies the interest rate risk management of commercial banks and explores a suitable interest rate risk management model for domestic commercial banks. This paper reviews the process of interest rate marketization in China, and leads to the risk of interest rate marketization in China. Thus, it further reveals the risks faced by Chinese commercial banks in the process of interest rate marketization. And in the process of China's commercial banks to the interest rate risk management status quo. Then it discusses the appropriate Chinese commercial banks for the interest rate risk measurement methods. Including: the use of interest rate sensitivity gap method to measure the overall interest rate risk of banks; Using duration to measure the interest rate risk of bank bond assets; Var is used to measure the interest rate risk of commercial banks. Finally, the paper puts forward the control and supervision of interest rate risk in the process of interest rate marketization. This paper takes the interest rate marketization as the research background. From the point of view of commercial banks, this paper studies the interest rate risk faced by Chinese commercial banks at this stage. There are six parts in this paper. The content of each part is as follows: the first part is the introduction, which introduces the significance of this paper. Basic ideas and the framework of the paper; The second part first explains the importance of interest rate marketization. Then, review the interest rate marketization process in China, sum up the interest rate marketization of our country several steps; Finally, the paper draws the risk of interest rate marketization in China. The third part mainly explains the risk that the commercial bank of our country faces in the interest rate process, and the present situation of the management of the interest rate risk of the commercial bank of our country in this process; The 4th part mainly introduces the commercial bank risk measurement method, including: our country commercial bank interest rate risk measurement present situation; The measurement method and choice of interest rate risk; Using duration to measure the interest rate risk of bank bond assets; To measure the implicit option risk of commercial banks in China; Using Var to measure the interest rate risk of commercial banks; The 5th part leads to the supervision and control of interest rate risk in the process of interest rate marketization.


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