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发布时间:2018-03-25 05:10

  本文选题:研发投入 切入点:业绩评价 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the past, scholars mainly studied the driving and influencing factors of enterprise R & D investment from both internal and external perspectives. The internal factors include enterprise management, board of directors governance, equity structure and so on; external factors include industry characteristics. Market structure and government policy. Business performance is regarded as the driving factor of R & D based on the viewpoint of enterprise behavior theory, which reflects whether the enterprise has the motivation and conditions for R & D innovation. One of the driving factors of R & D is the corporate governance mechanism, which is based on the principal-agent theory, that is, by mitigating or eliminating the agency conflict between shareholders and management. This paper provides a long-term guarantee mechanism for the management to carry out R & D investment which is conducive to creating shareholder value. This paper combines two kinds of factors based on the existing research. This paper gives a reasonable explanation of the driving factors of R & D investment from the new perspective of individual risk decision of management, and provides a reference for the optimization design of management incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism of listed companies in China. Taking risk preference of management as the source of behavioral effect of R & D driver, this paper puts forward the research hypothesis on the basis of theoretical analysis, and collects and collates the relevant sample data of R & D of listed companies in China from 2007 to 2013. By constructing a multivariate regression model with R & D intensity as dependent variable, this paper empirically tests the independent and interactive effects of performance evaluation factors and corporate governance factors of listed companies. This paper also discusses the influence of enterprise science and technology attributes on two kinds of effects. In the process of empirical testing, this paper adopts a fixed effect model and a tendency to be subdivided. It is found that the performance deviation does not produce a firm R & D investment. Significant inductive effects, On the contrary, it leads to the conservative behavior of management. (2) Management incentives can significantly promote R & D investment of enterprises. (3) performance bias and monetary incentive (equity incentive) have a significant negative (positive) interaction drive on R & D investment. The state of two jobs has a significant negative driving effect in the sample of high-tech enterprises. In combination with the performance deviation, there is a significant negative interactive driving effect. By classifying the sample into high-tech listed enterprises and non-high-tech listed enterprises, It is found that the driving effect of management incentive on R & D investment in high-tech listed enterprises is more obvious. Therefore, this paper argues that the promotion of management's R & D investment behavior should adopt a variety of incentive modes, such as stock option, virtual equity, etc. At the same time, the design of the management compensation system is linked to the performance of the enterprise, the enterprise value, the research and development achievement, and so on, and the supervision mechanism such as the board of supervisors and the outside director is further improved, which provides the foundation and guarantee for the enterprise's R & D innovation activities. In order to help China's listed enterprises to further transformation and upgrading and competitiveness.


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