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发布时间:2018-12-06 08:52
[Abstract]:In recent years, the global economy has entered a weak cycle, China's economic growth rate is slowing down year by year. With the rapid development of Internet securities, the development of stock index futures, margin financing and securities financing, and the continuous increase of various kinds of securities innovation, the securities industry has been brought new changes, and the traditional securities management model is facing more and more challenges. The development of the securities industry has always been the barometer of economic development. It is of great practical significance to study the securities marketing strategy for the steady and sustainable development of the securities industry in China. This paper takes the CJ Securities SX Branch as the research object, combines its operation present situation, uses the STP theory, the 7Ps marketing theory, the SWOT theory which the MBA curriculum studies to CJ securities sx branch marketing present situation, the internal and external marketing environment carries on the thorough analysis. It is found that the development orientation of the marketing strategy is not clear, the market segmentation strategy is unreasonable, the product priority and order are not clear, the price strategy is not perfect, the depth of the channel resource mining is not enough, the personnel management cultivation mechanism is not perfect, and the tangible display effect is not good. Service process policy is not detailed and so on. In this paper, the author deeply analyzes the root causes of the existing problems of CJ Securities SX Branch: insufficient attention by the leaders, insufficient understanding of the employees, unclear market segmentation, unbalanced allocation of resources, poor personnel management, weak assessment and so on. The optimization scheme of marketing strategy of CJ Securities Sx Branch is formulated in detail, and the implementation method and steps are put forward. The research of this paper is not only beneficial to the development of China's securities industry, but also to the adjustment of CJ Securities SX branch business strategy and the perfection and implementation of marketing strategy, which has important guiding significance.


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