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发布时间:2019-01-06 19:57
[Abstract]:In futures trading, forced liquidation is one of the important measures to control risks, and it is also an important guarantee for the orderly conduct of futures trading. However, in the practice of futures trading, the forced closing of positions may not only not play a role in controlling risks and reducing the losses of holders, but also will become the chief culprit of disputes and infringements on the rights of holders. Therefore, detailed and clear regulations should be made to guide futures exchanges or futures companies to enforce forced closure of positions, and to restrict the forced liquidation of futures exchanges and futures companies within the scope of legality and justice. At present, China lacks a special law to make uniform provisions on the related matters in futures trading, while other laws and regulations on many issues are either not detailed or contradictory. Cannot be used as a reliable basis for the enforcement of forced closure, so the execution of forced closure is prone to controversy. The legal nature of forced closure has an important impact on the implementation procedure and distribution of responsibility, but there are no clear and unified provisions on the legal nature of forced closing in the existing legal documents. The academic community also has the right to say, obligation theory, right and obligation theory and right to duty theory four main views, which leads to forced closure of the position of the implementer and the forced position holders may have different views and produce disputes. Different courts may make different judgments on the basis of different viewpoints, which leads to the forced closure of positions as an important measure to control risks, but it leads to more risks. This paper firstly analyzes the nature of forced closure according to the existing regulations and doctrines, and then briefly analyzes the controversial issues in practice according to specific cases, and finally finds out the best solution to the dispute.


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