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发布时间:2018-08-13 12:46
【摘要】:公共租赁住房建设将解决“夹心层”人群住房的阶段性需求,为其提供租金较低、户型较小的住所,将极大地改善其住房条件,使其“住房难”问题得到切实的解决。由此可见,公共租赁住房的建设是贯彻落实科学发展观,切实保障公民基本权利,提高生活水平,重点关心弱势群体,采取的一系列积极政策的重要举措,是政府为民办实事、办好事的“民心工程”和“德政工程”,是政府关心民生,以人为本,执政为民的具体体现。 综观各地推进公租房建设的进程,资金短缺一直是让政府头疼的问题。与出售型的经济适用房、限价房不同,公租房只能逐年收取租金。前者一次性就可以收回建设成本,后者成本回报周期在几十年甚至上百年,在中国一线城市,民间资本投资建设公租房的成本回报周期也得二十年以上。而上述问题在我国二线城市更为严重,彻底打消了民间资本投资的积极性和可行性。大量垫付资金引起一些地方政府的畏难情绪,资金成了公租房建设的“绊脚石” 由政府主导建设的公共租赁住房是不能持久的,应建立公共租赁住房的市场化运作机制,吸引社会力量参与到公共租赁住房的建设中来。楼市“双轨制”时代已经到来,保障房建设对于开发商来说将是一个充满机遇的领域,需要提早探索出一套盈利模式,迎合市场变化。同时政府部门也应尽快建立健全相关规章制度,充分调动起市场积极性,促进房地产行业健康稳定发展。 本文就在此背景下对大连市的公租房制度建设的发展现状、特点以及与公租房相关的若干问题进行分析研究,提出完善大连市公共租赁住房制度的策略和建议
[Abstract]:The construction of public rental housing will solve the housing stage demand of "sandwich layer" people, provide them with lower rent and smaller housing type, will greatly improve their housing conditions and make their "housing difficult" problem to be solved. It can be seen from this that the construction of public rental housing is an important measure of implementing the scientific concept of development, ensuring the basic rights of citizens, improving living standards, focusing on the disadvantaged groups, and taking a series of positive policies, which the government does for the people. The "Project of people's support" and "Project of Virtue Administration" are the concrete embodiment of the government's concern for the people's livelihood, people-oriented and ruling for the people. Looking at the process of promoting the construction of public rental housing, the shortage of funds has been a headache for the government. With the sale of comfortable housing, price-limited housing, public rental housing can only be charged rent year by year. The former can recover the construction cost at one time, while the latter has a cost return cycle of several decades or even hundreds of years. In China's first-tier cities, the cost and return period of private capital investment in the construction of public rental housing is more than 20 years. The above problems are more serious in the second-tier cities of our country, which completely dispel the enthusiasm and feasibility of private capital investment. A large amount of advanced funds has caused some local governments to fear difficulties, and the funds have become a "stumbling block" to the construction of public rental housing. Public rental housing built by the government is not sustainable. The market-oriented operation mechanism of public rental housing should be established to attract social forces to participate in the construction of public rental housing. The housing market "two-track" era has arrived, indemnificatory apartment construction will be an area full of opportunities for developers, need to explore a set of early profit model to cater to market changes. At the same time, the government should establish and perfect the relevant rules and regulations as soon as possible, fully arouse the market enthusiasm, promote the healthy and stable development of the real estate industry. Under this background, this paper analyzes the present situation, characteristics and some problems related to the public rental housing system in Dalian, and puts forward some strategies and suggestions to perfect the public rental housing system in Dalian.


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