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发布时间:2018-08-03 10:35
[Abstract]:The implementation of public policy is the most direct way to achieve the policy goal and an important way to solve the policy problems and realize the authoritative allocation of social public resources. With the arrival of the new economic era, the development of political economy in the outside world and the modernization of Chinese society itself make the implementation of public policy in our country face more severe challenges and tests. The most extensive area of our country is the grass-roots level. The efficiency and effectiveness of the public policy implementation of the broad grass-roots government is a major problem that cannot be ignored, and its implementation efficiency is low. The influencing factors and how to improve the efficiency of public policy implementation are the problems that we should pay attention to, which is directly related to whether the public policy can be implemented effectively and correctly. Whether the policy goal can be achieved and whether the society can develop healthily and sustainably. In our country, the efficiency of policy implementation is related to the effect of party and state policy in various fields of social life. The policy implementation research in our country is still in the initial stage, the professional research is still few. In fact, many good policies of the central government are difficult to be carried out at the grass-roots level, and the efficiency of public policy implementation is low, leading to the failure of many public policy objectives. This paper analyzes the low efficiency of public policy implementation of grass-roots government and its influencing factors, mainly from the aspects of political environment, policy information and supporting facilities, the reaction of local stakeholders to the implementation of public policy, and the main body of public policy implementation. The implementation object and the feedback of public policy implementation effect are explained in six aspects. It is of great practical significance to study and explore the ways of standardizing the implementation of local government policies for improving the executive power of public policies and promoting the healthy development of economy and society.


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