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发布时间:2017-12-28 03:24

  本文关键词:中国大陆及香港地区学者国际期刊英语论文发表之对比研究 出处:《外语与外语教学》2010年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 中国大陆学者 香港地区学者 撰写及发表 国际性期刊 英语学术论文

[Abstract]:Through semi-structured interviews, this study investigated the problems encountered by scholars from a key university in mainland China and published papers in international journals, and compared them with the problems encountered by scholars in Hongkong. It is found that language barriers, the influence of the mother tongue and the time consuming of writing English academic papers are the common problems faced by Hongkong and mainland scholars. In addition, Chinese mainland scholars are facing unique difficulties, such as lack of writing strategies for English academic papers, lack of cooperation with native speakers, lack of sufficient database resources and experimental facilities, lack of confidence and understanding of target journals. This study points out that in the graduate students to increase the skills and Strategies of writing academic papers in English training, to carry out a variety of domestic and international cooperation, the introduction of talent from abroad, encourage college teachers to study abroad and provide a good academic resources are the effective way to improve the international journal papers published.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学外语学院;
【正文快照】: 1.引言在当今的学术界,英语已经成为大众所公认的发表国际论文的语言(Swales,1990;Swales,1998;Flowerdew,1999a,1999b),例如世界著名的三大检索系统之一的科学文献索引(SCI)上90%以上的语言都是英语。对全世界的学者来说,要想使自己的研究被更多人了解,用英语撰写论文并在国




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