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  本文选题:新疆维吾尔自治区 切入点:科技论文 出处:《新疆医科大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目的:分析新疆维吾尔自治区1994-2005年医药卫生科技论文发表情况,了解自治区医药卫生科技专业人员一个历史阶段以来的业务研究工作,客观反映我区医药卫生系统科学论文产出水平及实力,从中寻找分布规律和特点,对未来5年CJFD收录全国与我区发表医药卫生科技论文的发展状况做出预测,为优化自治区医药卫生科技管理工作提供相关信息。方法:以国内《相关期刊论文(CJFD)》为数据源,应用文献计量学的科学方法,对1994-2005年我区在CJFD收录医药卫生期刊上发表的医疗及医疗相关的论文进行统计分析,提供各项指标的统计数据和分析结果。结果:12年发表论文共28268篇,平均增长速度11.80%,核心刊率17.17%,本地期刊占总发文数的30.51%。12年总发文量居前三位的医药卫生机构依次为医院21851篇,医学教育及科研机构3752篇,卫生防疫机构1720篇,合计占总发文量的96.66%;发文量居前三位的地区分别为乌鲁木齐14721篇,石河子3422篇,伊犁1351篇,合计占总发文量的68.96%;发文量占前三位的学科分别为临床医学17882篇,中医中药学4808篇,预防医学与卫生学2669篇,合计占总发文量的89.71%。12年间年均发文量超过15篇的单位有28个,占前三位的是兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院2258篇,新疆医科大学第一附属医院2256篇,新疆医科大学校本部1543篇;发文18篇以上的作者44人,其中最多的作者发文68篇;作者合作度为3.02。预测我区未来5年将产出论文27040篇,至2010年核心刊率约为6.64%。结论:本区1994-2005年间公开发表的被CJFD收录的医药卫生科技论文数量呈逐年递增态势,发表刊物以省级刊物为主,发文机构、地区及学科、单位间有较大差距,我区论文数量仍有较大的增长空间,合作意识与情报意识有待加强,发文质量有待进一步提高。
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the publication of medical and health science and technology papers in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region from 1994 to 2005, and to understand the professional research work of medical and health science and technology professionals in Xinjiang since a historical stage.This paper objectively reflects the output level and strength of the scientific papers of the medical and health system in our region, from which the distribution law and characteristics are sought, and the development situation of the medical and health scientific and technological papers published in the next 5 years in the whole country and in our region included by CJFD is forecasted.To optimize the medical and health science and technology management of the autonomous region to provide relevant information.Methods: using CJFDs as the data source and using the scientific method of bibliometrics, the medical and medical related papers published in the medical and health journals collected in CJFD from 1994 to 2005 in our region were statistically analyzed.Provide statistical data and analysis results for each indicator.Results: 28268 papers were published in 12 years, with an average growth rate of 11.80. The core publication rate was 17.17. The number of medical and health institutions with the top three papers in the year of 30.51.12 was 21851 in hospitals, 3752 in medical education and scientific research institutions.1720 articles of health and epidemic prevention organizations, accounting for 96.6666% of the total number of papers issued, 14721 papers in Urumqi, 3422 papers in Shihezi, 1351 papers in Yili in the top three places,In total, 68.96% of the total number of papers issued was: 17882 articles of clinical medicine, 4808 articles of traditional Chinese medicine and 4808 articles of Chinese medicine, 2669 articles of preventive medicine and health science, respectively, in the first three subjects, accounting for a total of 89.71% of the total number of papers issued in the past 12 years, 28 units with an average annual average of more than 15 articles issued in the past 12 years.The top three were 2258 articles from Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou military region, 2256 from the first affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, 1543 from the headquarters of Xinjiang Medical University, 44 from 44 authors and 68 from the largest number of authors.The author's cooperation degree is 3.02.It is predicted that 27040 papers will be produced in the next five years, and the core publication rate will be about 6.64 by 2010.Conclusion: from 1994 to 2005, the number of medical and health scientific and technological papers published by CJFD was increasing year by year.The number of papers in our region still has a large room for growth, the awareness of cooperation and information needs to be strengthened, and the quality of the papers issued needs to be further improved.


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