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发布时间:2016-05-28 18:00


论我国民族区域自治制度的历史形成——从“民族自决”到“民族区域自治” On the history of the system of regional ethnic autonomy in our country -- from "national self-determination" to "regional autonomy of ethnic minorities"

  • 分类: 宪法学与行政法学
  • 作者:王文涛 作者本人请参看权利申明








    平易近族区域自治轨制是我国的一项根本政治轨制,在新中国开国60多年的过程中施展了主要的感化,同时此项轨制日趋遭到世界上其他平易近族的进修和自创。而这项轨制是中国共产党从二年夜对平易近族自决思惟的选择、抗战时代的平易近族自治思惟的选择、再到昔日平易近族区域自治轨制的完美和成长,阅历漫长而艰苦的摸索和发明,为我国各个平易近族之间的对等、联结如许的局势赐与了最适合的轨制。一向以来,学者们对平易近族成绩的研讨历来都是孳孳不倦,提出了许多体系的实际并付诸理论。我国的平易近族区域自治轨制在实施半个世纪以来,无力地增进了国际各平易近族的联结和稳固,中华国民共和国各平易近族的年夜联结博得了世界各族国民的尊敬,在平易近族活动年夜成长的国际配景下,我国各平易近族年夜联结仍然稳固如初,这不能不商量中国共产党在平易近族联结方面做出的令众人注视的政策。 平易近族区域自治轨制在新平易近主主义反动时代开端构成,在新中国成立前后确立了上去。中国共产党实施的一系列轨制对中国汗青上不屈等的这类平易近族关系从基本上给转变了,它为多数平易近族地域的国民本身治理本身平易近族的行政事务和外部事务赐与了最年夜限制的自治权力,可以说这是真实的完成了各平易近族之间的对等关系,极年夜的增进了多数平易近族地域的成长与稳固。中国事一个多平易近族的国度,各平易近族之间年夜混居、小聚居的景象由来已久,平易近族成绩一直是中国共产党看重而且谨严处置的主要成绩。中国共产党树立了真实的平易近族国度,把马克思主义平易近族实际与中国的现实情形真实的联合了起来。中国共产党的平易近族政策阅历了慢慢的成长和完美,曾经成熟并成为世界其他国度自创的主要对象。中国共产党经由过程历久准确的政策指点、经由过程与各平易近族同胞艰难卓绝的奋斗完成了昔日的平易近族对等、联结的近况,博得了我国各平易近族强无力的凝集力。 恰是怀着对平易近族区域自治轨制的酷爱与向往以希冀对平易近族区域自治轨制的实际及理论做出些许进献,作者重要对新中国成立前的平易近族自治成绩停止了研讨。本文拟就个中几个重要内容,对平易近族自治成绩停止阐述。平易近族自决和平易近族自管理论的概述方面,详细论述自治、自治权、自决、自决权、平易近族自治权的概念。经由过程对根本概念的剖析,对平易近族区域自治所触及的根本实际有进一步清楚的熟悉。中国共产党平易近族自决政策的思惟及理论方面,这部门重要研讨平易近族自决实际的提出、平易近族自决实际的理论及平易近族自决政策选择的缘由。对平易近族自决思惟及理论的详细表现停止了较为具体的论述,经由过程对平易近族自决选择缘由剖析,对国际、国际和中国共产党本身经历缺乏的剖析,指出中国共产党在其时选择此思惟实际的缘由。中国共产党平易近族区域自治政策的思惟及理论方面,这部门重要研讨平易近族自决实际向平易近族区域自管理论的改变,平易近族区域自管理论的思惟及为何选择平易近族区域自治政策。文章的结语部门关于平易近族区域自治轨制的几个方面具体的剖析,并指出实施平易近族区域自治轨制的意义。 本文在简略引见平易近族政策轨制的相干成绩的条件下,侧重研讨中国共产党从平易近族自决思惟到平易近族区域自治思惟的改变,并在结论部门对新中国成立到如今平易近族区域自治轨制的成长作了一个扼要的概述。文章试图经由过程对中国共产党平易近族自决思惟到平易近族区域自治思惟的改变的研讨使我们对昔日平易近族区域自治轨制的选择有清楚的熟悉,使我们可以或许熟悉到中国共产党在各个时代的平易近族政策都是其时主客不雅缘由感化下的必定汗青选择,使我们保持此项优良的轨制,并完美和成长这项轨制。愿望经由过程本身的进修与研讨能为平易近族区域自治政策的实际和实务做出些许进献。 总的来讲,中国共产党应用个人的聪明力气,将马克思主义的平易近族实际与学者们提出的国度学说中根本道理的再发明性与中国处理平易近族成绩完善的联合在了一路,终究将中国的平易近族政策从平易近族自决完成了到平易近族区域自治的改变。从文章的实际与详细剖析都证实了,,关于中国来讲只要实行平易近族区域自治轨制,废弃不合适中国国情的平易近族自决和联邦制准绳,能力真实的处理我国的平易近族成绩。


    Plain near the regional ethnic autonomy rail system is our country a fundamental political system, in New China founding 60 years of display the important role, also the rail system increasingly being world other ethnic studies and created. And this system is the Chinese Communist Party from the two eve of the people to the choice of the people, the people of the war of resistance, and then to the perfect and development of the regional autonomous system of ethnic minority autonomous region, the experience of a long and hard exploration and invention, for our country, the situation has given the most suitable for the. Since always, scholars of ethnic performance research has always been diligent, put forward many system and put into practice. China Plain nearly regional ethnic autonomy rail system in the half a century since the implementation of the, unable to enhance the coupling of the different peoples and solid, the eve of the connection of the people's Republic of China and the peoples of the won the world people of all ethnic groups in respect, in the plain near family activities the eve of the growth of the international background, Chinese of all ethnic groups of the eve of the connection remains strong as ever, in the plain near family connection, this can't discuss the Communist Party of China, made that they watch policy. The regional autonomous system of ethnic minority areas in the new democratic revolution era of the beginning of the founding of the new China, established before and after the founding of the new china. A series of system of the Chinese Communist Party to the Chinese history of this kind of ethnic relations from the basic to the transformation, it is for the majority of people in the region of the national itself governance itself and the external affairs of the most limited autonomy, it can be said that this is the real completion of the various ethnic groups, the promotion of the majority of the people and the growth and stability. China is a multi-ethnic country, the plain near family between the eve of the mixed, small communities of the scene for a long time, ethnic achievement has been the Communist Party of China valued and careful disposal of the main achievements. The Communist Party of China has set up a real national, and the Marx's national reality and the reality of the real situation of the United States together. The Chinese Communist Party's policy has experienced the development and the perfection of the time, and had become the main object of the other countries in the world. The Communist Party of China through accurate long-term policy guidance, through the process and the plain near family compatriots difficult struggle completed the former ethnic peer, connection status, won the China the peoples of the powerful cohesive force. It is with great love and longing for the regional autonomous system of ethnic regional autonomy in order to make a little contribution to the reality and theory of the regional autonomous system, the author of the new China's establishment of the autonomous region before the end of the study. In this paper, a few important content, in autonomous performance on the plain. The concept of autonomy, autonomy, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, autonomy, and autonomy are discussed in detail. Through the analysis of the basic concepts of the basic concepts of regional autonomy, the basic reality of regional autonomy has further clear understanding. In the Chinese Communist Party 's policy of self-determination policy, this branch has important research on the reality of people's self-determination, the theory of the people' s self-determination, and the reasons for the choice of the policy of national self-determination. The detailed performance of the people's self determination and theory has been stopped, and the analysis of the reasons for the choice of the National People's self-determination has been made. The thought and theory of the regional autonomous policy of the Communist Party of China, which is the important research area of the people, the change of the theory of the autonomy of the people, the thought of the regional self management theory and the policy of choosing the regional autonomous region. The conclusion of this paper is to analyze the regional autonomous system of ethnic minority areas, and to point out the significance of the implementation of the regional autonomous system. In this paper, we focus on the study of the Chinese Communist Party from the people's right to self-determination, and to discuss the changes of the Chinese Communist Party. This paper attempts to make a clear understanding of the choice of the regional autonomous system of the people in China, so that we can be familiar with the national policy of the Chinese Communist Party in various times. It is a certain historical choice for us to maintain the excellent system, and to perfect and grow the system. Desire through the process of their own learning and research for the national regional autonomy policy practice and practice to make Xie Xujin. In general, the Chinese Communist Party should...






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