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发布时间:2018-03-11 10:32

  本文选题:公安信息化 切入点:信息化评价 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现代社会,信息技术不断发展进步,其在经济、政治、军事、文化等方面的作用越来越重要。信息对人类文明的进步和社会的发展贡献巨大。社会信息化的发展在给公安信息化带来挑战,同时这也是一次机遇。目前社会上的敌对势力和不法分子愈来愈多的运用信息技术来进行犯罪活动,公安部门在日常工作中的业务信息量也与日俱增。在这种社会大背景下,,公安信息化建设显得刻不容缓。 信息化建设是公安部门与时俱进,主动适应时代发展要求和全球信息化浪潮而做出的战略抉择。信息化建设将会对公安机关的工作方式、工作环境、工作手段和工作作风都会产生重大的影响。本文正是在此背景下,并结合当前公安信息化的实际情况,对公安信息化的相关概念及重要意义进行详细的研究、论述,并通过分析当前公安信息化建设过程中遇到了实际问题,提出了建立公安信息化建设的指标体系以及解决相关问题的具体对策。 本文较之以往的研究,其主要的创新之处是提出了公安信息化建设的目标与原则,并且最先提出并初步设计了公安信息化建设的评价指标体系,针对公安信息化建设存在的问题提出了相应的对策。
[Abstract]:In modern society, the development of information technology progress in the economic, political, military, cultural and other aspects of the role of more and more important. The great contribution to the development of society and progress of information on human civilization. The development of the information society to bring challenges to public security information, at the same time, this also is an opportunity. The use of information technology to hostile forces the society and more and more criminals to carry out criminal activities, business information public security departments in their daily work also grow with each passing day. In this social background, the construction of public security information is very urgent.
Informatization construction is the public security departments to keep pace with the times, adapt to the development requirements of the times and the global informatization and strategic decision. The informatization construction of the public security organs will work, work environment, work methods and work style will have a significant impact. Under this background, and combining with the current situation of public security information, and important concepts related to public security information to conduct a detailed study, discussion, and through the analysis of the current construction of public security information encountered in the process of practical problems, put forward the establishment of index system of public security information construction and the countermeasures to solve the related problems.
This paper studies than in the past, the main innovation of this thesis is to put forward the goal and principle of the construction of public security information, and the first to propose the preliminary design of the construction of public security information evaluation index system, aiming at the existing problems of public security information construction and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.



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