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发布时间:2018-04-01 13:29

  本文选题:刑讯逼供 切入点:现状成因 出处:《吉林大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑讯逼供在中国有着悠久的历史传统,时至今日,其外在表现和价值基础发生了许多变化,已打上鲜明的时代烙印,但其危害性并未因现政权的社会主义性而削弱。刑讯逼供仍在司法实践中大行其道,虽屡禁而不止,与现代文明社会格格不入,成为人所共愤的“顽疾”。刑讯逼供不仅直接造成了大量冤假错案,侵犯公民的人身权利,而且损害司法机关形象,破坏国家的法治环境,有悖于诉讼文明和司法民主的现代性要求。 遏制刑讯逼供必须深入探究其现状,科学分析其特点及成因。本文认为刑讯逼供的产生根源是复杂多样的,在中国今后相当长的时期内仍将“顽强”存在,渴望短期内彻底根除刑讯逼供是不现实的。我们应正视刑讯逼供的客观存在,科学探究其存在的原因,清醒认识其危害,努力通过制度设计及完善将其控制在一定范围内。
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture has a long historical tradition in China. To this day, many changes have taken place in its external performance and value basis. However, its harmfulness has not been weakened by the socialism of the present regime. Extorting confessions by torture is still popular in judicial practice. Torture has not only caused a large number of unjust and false cases, infringed on citizens' personal rights, but also damaged the image of the judicial organs and damaged the legal environment of the country. It runs counter to the modern requirements of litigation civilization and judicial democracy. In order to curb the extortion of confessions by torture, we must deeply explore its present situation, scientifically analyze its characteristics and causes. This paper holds that the root causes of extorting confessions by torture are complex and diverse, and will still exist in China for a long time in the future. It is unrealistic to yearn for the eradication of extortion by torture in a short period of time. We should face up to the objective existence of extortion by torture, explore the causes of its existence scientifically, be aware of its harm, and strive to control it within a certain range through the design and perfection of the system.


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