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发布时间:2024-02-15 05:22
  “名词+名词”搭配作为一个意义凝练的语言组合体,在各种语言中都起着很重要的作用。英语中“名词+名词”搭配出现频率很高,且具有较多的词法和语义变化,这种搭配方式可以反映变化的语言事实,展示语言的原始组合能力,促进语言的发展。在日常的翻译实践中,经常需要对此类搭配进行翻译处理。 大量存在的“名词+名词”搭配吸引了学者的注意,成为语言处理和概念研究的热点问题之一,许多学者从不同的角度对其进行了研究。“名词+名词”搭配中的两个词并不是随意搭配在一起,两个词之间存在着或明或暗的逻辑关系,这些逻辑关系对于“名词+名词”搭配的理解有着重要的作用。本研究的目的就是探求英语中“名词+名词”搭配中两词之间的逻辑关系及其翻译规律。 本研究以1本散文集和3篇科技论文作为研究文本,收集了其中的“名词+名词”搭配,在去除相同的例子后,共得到295个“名词+名词”搭配的例子。在参考Douglas Biber对于“名词+名词”搭配逻辑关系分类的基础上,本文确定了包含21种逻辑关系的分类方法。在对所选例子按照其逻辑关系分类后,采用直译法、增词法、减词法、词序重组法、意译法等5种翻译方法对这些例子进行汉译处理,从而对所选...

【文章页数】:77 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Significance of the research
    1.2 Purposes of the research
    1.3 Structure of the thesis
2. Literature Review
    2.1 Researches on the N+N sequence
        2.1.1 Descriptive treatment of N+N sequence
        2.1.2 Generative treatment of N+N sequence
        2.1.3 Psycholinguistic approach to N+N sequence
        2.1.4 Cognitive researches on N+N sequence
    2.2 Researches on the translation of N+N sequence
        2.2.1 Researches on the methods of translating N+N sequence
        2.2.2 Researches on the translation of N+N sequence in EST
        2.2.3 Researches on the automatic translation of N+N sequence
    2.3 Researches on translation laws
3. Logical Relations within N+N Sequence
    3.1 Definition of N+N sequence
    3.2 Classification of the logical relations within N+N sequence
        3.2.1 The classification by Hatcher
        3.2.2 The classification by Lees and Levi
        3.2.3 The classification by Brekle
        3.2.4 The classification by Li
        3.2.5 The classification by Nida
    3.3 The computation methods on logical relations
    3.4 Classification of the logical relations in this research
4. Research Methodology
    4.1 Research hypotheses
    4.2 Research questions
    4.3 Research methods
    4.4 Data collection
    4.5 Research feasibility
5. Regularities of translating N+N Sequence
    5.1 Statistics of N+N sequence and its translation methods
        5.1.1 Statistical analysis of N+N sequence
        5.1.2 Statistical analysis of N+N sequence translation methods
    5.2 The translation of N+N sequences of each category
        5.2.1 The translation of N+N sequences of the Composition relation
        5.2.2 The translation of N+N sequences of the Purpose relation
        5.2.3 The translation of N+N sequences of the Identify relation
        5.2.4 The translation of N+N sequences of the Content relation
        5.2.5 The translation of N+N sequences of the Source relation
        5.2.6 The translation of N+N sequences of the Objective Type 1 relation
        5.2.7 The translation of N+N sequences of the Subjective Type 1 relation
        5.2.8 The translation of N+N sequences of the Subjective Type 2 relation
        5.2.9 The translation of N+N sequences of the Time relation
        5.2.10 The translation of N+N sequences of the Location Type 1 relation
        5.2.11 The translation of N+N sequences of the Location Type 2 relation
        5.2.12 The translation of N+N sequences of the Institution relation
        5.2.13 The translation of N+N sequences of the Partitive relation
        5.2.14 The translation of N+N sequences of the Specialization relation
        5.2.15 The translation of N+N sequences of the Instrument relation
        5.2.16 The translation of N+N sequences of the Category relation
        5.2.17 The translation of N+N sequences of the Property relation
        5.2.18 The translation of N+N sequences of the Equative relation
        5.2.19 The translation of N+N sequences of the Result and Cause relation
    5.3 The regularities of N+N sequence translation
        5.3.1 Regularities of translation methods employed in the interpretation of N+N sequence
        5.3.2 Regularities of translating N+N sequence of different logical relations
6. Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Research limitations
    6.3 Suggestions for further research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ




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