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Child Policy, Fertility Intention, Policy Effect, Policy Tra

发布时间:2016-10-30 14:40



China' s Universal Two- Child Policy: Grounds, Effects and Strategies

[1] [2]

Liu Jiaqiang,Tang Daisheng

[1]西南财经大学中国西部经济研究中心; [2]西南财经大学公共管理学院,成都610074


AbstrThe 13th Five- Year Plan period is crucial for China, in which macro population problem is the core element. Population aging and low fertilily leading to redudion in labor supply would have a fundamental influence on the long term balanced development of China' s population, implying that China's population policy must be adjusted. This paper argues that birth policy adjustment accords with the original intention of the population policy design and development cliredion. A universal two - child policy is a logical result of the adjustment of China' s current fertility policy, which is believed to bring about positive effects on the future demographic and economic development, particularly in sus- taining long term balanced development of China' s population, eliminating marriage squeeze, length- ening demographic dividend and delaying aging process. China needs to develop and improve support and governance system for fully implementing the universal two -child policy.


Keyword::Universal Two -Child Policy, Fertility Intention, Policy Effect, Policy Transition, Govern- ance Transition







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