
发布时间:2018-03-11 20:29

  本文选题:刘宋时期 切入点:寒门学人 出处:《学习与探索》2015年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:After Liu Song Li-kuo, the relatively low social status of the academic community continued to rise, including recluse scholars, scholars among the suitors, scholars from senior monks, and other scholars. The emergence of these types of academic groups. It reflects the new changes in the history of academic culture in the middle ancient times. As far as the families are concerned, most of them come from the cold gate, or from the lowly gentry of the family. In terms of their style of study, the academic groups of the cold people generally advocate metaphysics differently from the society of the Gaomen literati. They are in the lower social stratum, most of them live in the non-cultural center area, so they tend to be conservative in their style of study. They generally attach importance to Confucianism, literature and art, skill and other practical talents. The rise of the Hanmen scholars in the Liu and Song dynasties was mainly due to the social changes in the Jin and Song dynasties. The rulers of Liu and Song continued to strengthen imperial power and attach importance to Confucianism in ideological and cultural aspects, which directly promoted the promotion of the social status of seclusion teachers. An important institutional adjustment for the rulers of the Liu and Song dynasties to strengthen the imperial power lies in the promotion of Hanmen scribes to serve as sycophants, and the vassal kings also recruited scribes. It can be said that the official posts such as Scholars become the step of the Hanmen scholars, the way to show their fame.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学社会发展学院历史系;


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