
发布时间:2019-07-09 06:14
[Abstract]:According to the degree of concealment, the secret execution carried out by the Han Dynasty can be divided into two categories: "semi-hidden" and "all hidden". The execution of "semi-hidden" includes the nature of "hidden punishment" and "slaughter" at the same time, which is not pure enough in form, and its common characteristic is to conceal the execution process, while the arrest and trial of prisoners, the death sentence and the "killing of corpses" may be public, and the "death penalty" and "imprisonment punishment" contained in historical records belong to this kind of penalty. " Quan Yin "conceals all the sentences and enforcement processes, closely blocks information from the public, or orders assassinations without trial." History books often use vague writing methods, such as "fog dew", "worry about death", the court sometimes through the "wind decree" to instruct lower officials to secretly harm prisoners.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学历史学院;


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