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发布时间:2016-11-17 22:06



    With the continuous improvement of China’s international status, the world of the "Chinese hot" also continues to heat up. Especially in recent years, the enthusiasm of students learning Chinese has been growing, learning Chinese has become an unstoppable tide and trend in the world. In the vast Chinese words, there are a large number of idioms. Idioms connotation is rich and various, it is a kind of fixed phrases that people continued to use widely along the acquisition in long-term social communication, it contains a profound cultural background and historical allusions, and it is the treasure of Chinese language. In teaching Chinese, idioms play an important role. The idiom story is not only the cohesion of Chinese history and culture, but it is also the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese Han nationality. It permeates our mental habits, ideology and value orientation, inheriting our traditional and folk customs. In recent years, a lot of foreigners are eager to know the history of Chinese culture and language, and to show them the idiom story is China’s long history and splendid culture, put them at a relaxed appreciation, appreciate the charm of Chinese culture. Into the senior stage after contact, study and research idiom is not only the prerequisite to improve the level of Chinese students, and to learn mandarin, learn more about Chinese history and culture. Only in light of the national spirit, in the folk culture, students can really learn Chinese, understand Chinese culture.This thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter1is the introduction, it introduces the research background, the selected topic significance and research method of this article, summarizes the research status at home and abroad. For the research object of this paper is defined at the same time, analyzes the research status of idioms, the thesis reviews.Chapter2is the meaning of the idiom teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It briefly expounds the characteristics of idioms; Several mean of idiom teaching Chinese as a foreign language are analyzed.Chapter3is the distribution of idioms in Chinese as a foreign language teaching. With a lot of objective data in nearly30of the Chinese as a foreign language textbooks survey results. Through meticulous and careful investigation and statistics, provides in the current teaching Chinese idioms in Comprehensive course, reading class, the selection of oral English classes, shows the number of idioms in Chinese as a foreign language teaching materials, the level of distribution, frequency and contents. Analyze Chinese as a foreign language teaching materials on the arrangement of the idioms annotation. At the same time, will be selected for use in teaching Chinese idioms and Chinese proficiency vocabulary and grade outline Chinese characters, to explore the idiom of the former included whether to conform to the requirements of the syllabus. Study Chinese mainstream newspaper dynamic corpus (DDC) income in the first300high-frequency idioms, and the Chinese proficiency vocabulary and grade outline Chinese characters, they asked the students to master the116idioms are compared. While studying the Chinese proficiency vocabulary and grade outline Chinese characters, they asked the students to grasp the article116of the idiom in the distribution of Chinese as a foreign language schools are teaching materials in our country.Discuss ed the advantages and disadvantages of idioms choreography in the textbooks, classified analysis, aimed at present factors that affect idiom choreography.Chapter4:Students grasp the situation analysis of idioms. Through the questionnaire survey, understand the foreign students to the study of idioms to master a baseline, and analysis of errors.Chapter5:Comprehensive advice. In view of Chinese as a foreign language teaching material for the arrangement of the idiom, Chinese proficiency vocabulary and grade outline Chinese characters.Epilogue part gives a summary to the content of the paper. Reiterated the writing purpose and significance of this paper objectively illustrates this article research may lead to the research limitations and expects to achieve.



摘要3-6ABSTRACT6-81. 绪论11-16    1.1 选题目的11    1.2 研究现状11-13    1.3 研究对象13-14    1.4 研究方法14    1.5 创新之处14-162. 对外汉语成语教学的意义16-19    2.1 成语的特点16-17    2.2 对外汉语成语教学的意义17-193. 对外汉语教材中的成语19-32    3.1 对外汉语教材中成语的选用情况19-22        3.1.1 对外汉语教材中成语的分布19-21        3.1.2 对外汉语教材中成语频率的分布21        3.1.3 对外汉语教材中成语篇目的分布21-22    3.2 《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》对成语教学的要求22-24    3.3 对外汉语教材中的成语在语料库中的分布24-26    3.4 对外汉语教材中的成语在人教版中小学语文教材中的分布26-28    3.5 对外汉语教材中成语编排的优缺点28-32        3.5.1 对外汉语教材中成语编排的优点28-30        3.5.2 对外汉语教材中成语编排的缺点30-324. 对留学生掌握汉语成语情况的考察及偏误分析32-40    4.1 留学生掌握成语的情况32-33    4.2 偏误分析33-405. 综合性建议40-44    5.1 对外汉语教材中成语编排的建议40-43        5.1.1 对外汉语教材中成语数量编排40-41        5.1.2 对外汉语教材中成语频率编排41-42        5.1.3 对外汉语教材中成语篇目编排42-43    5.2 对《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》的建议43-44结语44-45参考文献45-48附录1:语料来源48-54附录2:《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》对成语教学的要求54-57附录3:问卷调查试卷57-59后记59-60






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