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the transformation period 在 经济体制改革 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-16 10:00
















    The 21st century is the key period that the strategic objective of socialist construction of our country realizes, is also the transformation period that Chinese society and economy accelerate splitting up and move towards the society reconstitution.



    Probe into the Genesis of and Countermeasures for the Economic Inferior Groups in the Transformation Period



    Whether the regional competition power is strong or weak concerns about various factors,in which the governmental ability plays an important role,especially in our county during the transformation period.



    In the transformation period,the function of merchant capital had been changing constantly.




    The 21st century is the key period that the strategic objective of socialist construction of our country realizes, is also the transformation period that Chinese society and economy accelerate splitting up and move towards the society reconstitution.



    Probe into the Genesis of and Countermeasures for the Economic Inferior Groups in the Transformation Period



    Whether the regional competition power is strong or weak concerns about various factors,in which the governmental ability plays an important role,especially in our county during the transformation period.



    In the transformation period,the function of merchant capital had been changing constantly.




    Research on Government Micro Regulation Actions during the Transformation Period



    Social productive forces in the transformation period of feudal society: a comparison between China and the West



    On the Relationship between China's Economic Growth and Income Gap in the Transformation Period



    The thesis mainly investigated the disparity of regional economy of angle of the transformation period from the regional economic policy. We mainly explored the influence of the regional investment policy, the regional fiscal policy and the regional financial policy on the regional disparity, and raised the policy advice that solves the regional disparity.



    This text regards some basic conditions of economic system, political system and moral ideas during the transformation period, uses Marxism political economy basic principles, and absorbs modern western economy related research results, also adopts combining practical and theoretical methods to multi-angle analyze the current micro government regulation actions.




查询“the transformation period”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


  the transformation period

This paper presents an analysis of inflationary processes before and during the transformation period.


Inflation processes in poland during the transformation period


This paper presents changes in living conditions which have taken place in Polish provinces during the transformation period.


After completion of the transformation period, the function of the muscle slings was evaluated by manometry, and histomorphologic evaluation of the sartorius muscles was performed.


Because the disease duration and the transformation period are so different in children with this disorder, shoehorning children into adult criteria may be problematic.



From the angle of comparison, this article inquires into the developmental situation of social productive forces in the transformation period of feudal society in China and the West, and brings to light their different characteristics in the tendency of development. \ \

本文从比较的角度 ,探讨了中西封建社会转型期社会生产力发展状况 ,并揭示了这一时期中西社会生产力在发展趋势上的不同特点

The paper, based on rethinking about the consumption patterns of Xinjiang urban population, explores the characteristics of their consumption patterns due to institutional changes in the transformation period and the changing characteristics of them since China s reforms and opening to the outside. And analysis and prediction are made on the future trends of the consumption patterns.


There is not only competition but also cooperation between regions.This competition is a foundation,and the cooperation is the cooperation based on the competition.Whether the regional competition power is strong or weak concerns about various factors,in which the governmental ability plays an important role,especially in our county during the transformation period.In a certain degree,the ability of local governments can decide the prosperity and fall of a region.Local government ability could be evaluated...

There is not only competition but also cooperation between regions.This competition is a foundation,and the cooperation is the cooperation based on the competition.Whether the regional competition power is strong or weak concerns about various factors,in which the governmental ability plays an important role,especially in our county during the transformation period.In a certain degree,the ability of local governments can decide the prosperity and fall of a region.Local government ability could be evaluated by the perfumance index system.



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