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发布时间:2018-04-08 22:10

  本文选题:英语专业研究生论文结论 切入点:结构分析 出处:《华中师范大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:早在20世纪八十年代,国外学者已开始着眼于英语学术写作研究。作为ESP体裁分析学派的代表人物,Swales的语步分析理论被广为应用到对学术论文各章节的研究。然而,相比于其他章节,鲜有研究着眼于结论部分,更缺乏对研究生毕业论文结论章节的研究。该研究假设英语专业研究生毕业论文结论部分存在常规性结构,且这种结构可以通过语步分析及成分元素分析呈现出来。研究将对以下三个问题进行回答:(1)英语专业研究生毕业论文结论章节的功能有哪些?(2)为实现这些功能,结论章节的修辞结构是怎样?(3)在这些构成结论章节修辞结构的语步以及分语步中,各有哪些成分元素和突出的语言线索?本研究将英语专业硕士研究生在二语习得和英语教学方向的毕业论文作为研究对象,从中国知网上随机选取了2012-2014年间来自三所师范院校的硕士研究生毕业论文,共计90篇。根据Nwogu的五步骤提取语步模式和Bitchener针对应用语言学论文结论提出的四语步分析模式,建立了自己的五语步十三分语步分析模式。通过定性描述研究方法,研究结果发现,英语专业研究生毕业论文结论一章主要起到以下作用:总结当前研究(包括研究背景、研究目的、研究方法以及总述研究成果),呈现研究发现,评价研究的理论意义,评价研究的实践意义,论述当前研究的局限性,以及对今后研究提出建议。第二,为实现这些功能,这90篇结论章节的修辞结构由五语步构成,即“章节介绍”、“研究重现”、“研究发现总结”、“研究评价”,以及“今后研究建议”。其中“研究重现”可以通过四个分语步实现,即“背景信息呈现”、“研究目的、研究问题或假设呈现”、“研究方法呈现”以及“总研究成果呈现”; “研究发现总结”语步由三个分语步构成:“研究发现直述”、“研究结果解释”、“研究结果演绎”;“研究评价”语步可以分为四个分语步,分别是“理论贡献评价”“实践意义评价”、“解释理论、实践贡献评价”、“评价研究局限性”;语步五则由“建议呈现”以及“解释建议”构成。最后,上述五语步以及十三分语步均是由一定的成分元素或通过一定的语言线索构成的。
[Abstract]:As early as the 1980 s, foreign scholars began to focus on English academic writing.As a representative of ESP's genre analysis school, Swales' theory of step analysis has been widely applied to the study of various chapters of academic papers.However, compared with other chapters, few studies focus on the conclusion, more lack of graduate thesis conclusion section.This study assumes that there is a conventional structure in the conclusion of graduate thesis of English majors, which can be shown by step analysis and element analysis.The study will answer the following three questions: 1) what are the functions of the conclusion chapter of the graduate thesis of English majors?What is the rhetorical structure of the conclusion chapters? (3) what are the constituent elements and prominent linguistic clues in the steps and steps that constitute the rhetorical structure of the conclusion chapters?In this study, a total of 90 graduate papers from three normal universities from 2012 to 2014 were randomly selected from China's Chih online to study the graduate thesis of English majors in the direction of second language acquisition and English teaching.Based on Nwogu's five-step extraction model and the four-step analysis model proposed by Bitchener for the conclusions of applied linguistics, this paper establishes its own five-step and thirteen step analysis model.Through qualitative description of the research methods, the results of the study found that the conclusion of graduate thesis of English majors plays the following role: summing up the current research (including the research background, the purpose of the study),The research method and the general research results present the research findings, the theoretical significance of the evaluation research, the practical significance of the evaluation research, discuss the limitations of the current research, and put forward some suggestions for the future research.Secondly, in order to realize these functions, the rhetorical structure of these 90 conclusion chapters is composed of five language steps, namely, chapter introduction, research reappearance, research findings summary, research evaluation, and suggestions for future research.Among them, "research reproduction" can be achieved through four steps, namely, "background information presentation", "research purpose, research problem or hypothesis presentation","the presentation of research methods" and "the presentation of general research results", the "summary of research findings" consists of three steps: "direct description of research findings", "interpretation of research results", "interpretation of research results";The step of "research evaluation" can be divided into four steps, namely, "theoretical contribution evaluation", "practical meaning evaluation", "interpretation theory, practical contribution evaluation" and "evaluation research limitation".Step 5 consists of "suggestion presentation" and "explanation suggestion".Finally, the five-language steps and thirteen-step steps are composed of certain elements or linguistic clues.


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