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发布时间:2018-05-28 21:21

  本文选题:课程与教学论 + 研究生学位论文 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This study analyzes, classifies and counts the research methods used by 225 graduate students majoring in curriculum and teaching theory in a university from 2001 to 2014. According to Brachinka's philosophy of Educational knowledge, and referring to Liu Lianghua's Educational Research method, this study establishes a basic analytical framework and generally divides the research methods into three categories: philosophical study, empirical study and practical study. In the classification of 225 research methods, the principle of classification is explained with concrete examples, and the reliability of the research is ensured. Many studies believe that the use of graduate thesis research methods is characterized by 1: 1. There is a trend from single to diversified. Speculative research (philosophical research) and practical research are on the side, while empirical research is less than 3. 5%. The study of quality is more than that of quantity. This article takes this three points as the research hypothesis, starts the investigation and research. Through the research, the researchers found that 98.2% of the papers use empirical research, which shows that the empirical research has become the mainstream of the academic dissertation of curriculum and teaching theory, and the overall trend of the use of research methods is diversified, after 2006, 59.8% of master's thesis and 57.9% of doctoral thesis use qualitative research, and the frequency of qualitative research is slightly higher than that of quantitative research. The conclusion of this study is slightly different from that of hypothesis, and this paper tries to explain this difference. At the same time, this study found that the choice of research methods is related to their educational background and gender differences. At the same time, this study also found that there are many problems in the use of research methods for graduate students, such as not presenting their own "research methods", and taking graduate students as an example, 17 papers do not indicate the research methods. For example, literature analysis, literature discussion, literature research, literature analysis, literature retrieval, literature analysis and so on. This paper suggests strengthening the training of educational research methods and academic writing norms for graduate and doctoral students.


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10 吴佳s,




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