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发布时间:2018-07-03 05:28

  本文选题:同人艺术 + 青少年亚文化 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This article draws the core research object of this article, the art of the same person, through the form of online participation to understand the content and form of the same person art, which is the research example of some network animation that is just flourishing in our country. Combining with the theoretical analysis of the study of network culture, the author studies the art of the same person in the new media age. In the course of the research, the author finds that, under the influence of the consumption culture in today's society, Young people, as a group of active thinking, absorb and consume symbols from various cultural forms quickly. In the process of consumption, the desire of teenagers themselves urges them to occupy these symbols, and at the same time, For their dissatisfaction with the content of the elimination and transformation. Contemporary teenagers are no longer satisfied with receiving information passively, and are enthusiastic about producing information. With the popularization of modern education, young people have sufficient cultural level to learn more and more creative skills independently. This provides more creative skills for the generation of fellow works. Thus, the youth who love the same people and their works gradually increase and finally form the circle of art and culture that we see now. With the development of the Internet in China, the art of homophobia in China is developing in the mainland of China. The author believes that this art is itself a kind of network culture, and nowadays, the network culture also has the characteristics of postmodernism. Contemporary art of congener, as a kind of network culture, also presents the characteristics of deconstruction, decentralization, authority, non-identity, pluralistic symbiosis, eclecticism, denial of authority, contempt of restriction and so on. On the one hand, the participants in the art of the same person-teenagers stand on the opposite side of the mainstream culture with the posture of the marginal, and the resistance to the mainstream culture makes the enthusiasts have a desire to destroy many symbols from the mainstream culture. Under the influence of this destructive ideology, teenagers deconstruct the symbols in mainstream cultural works. At the same time, teenagers are not only satisfied with destruction, they have a stronger desire to express themselves. It is a psychological characteristic of teenagers to recreate the result of destruction by adding their own spiritual consciousness to create a new content. In the process of destruction and reconstruction, collage and parody are used to create a cultural carnival. In the process of collage and parody, teenagers show a strong resistance to mainstream culture. The author thinks that in the process of resistance, the self-identification is accomplished through this form of bottle sticker and parody, and at the same time, the self-gender is confirmed, which is just like the symbolic portrayal of the female sex by the female in the art of homonym. At the same time, resistance is not a personal act, it is a collective ideology that allows young people to form their own groups and gain a collective identity within the group. At the same time, a large amount of cultural capital has been accumulated in the process of group identification, which has attracted the attention of the community.


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