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发布时间:2016-10-11 07:13




作者:木斋 祖秋阳


收稿日期: 20140515

引用格式: 木斋,等.中国文学起源问题重议——从甲骨文与中国文字起源发生说起[J].安徽师范大学学报:人文社会科学版,2014,(4):0410-0417.

关键词: 中国文学;起源;甲骨文

摘 要: 中国文学就文学体裁而言,最早起源于甲骨文记载的应用性散文,随后才是诗歌的产生。诗歌的产生和两大文学艺术文化类型密切相关,即与音乐和散文有关。两者之间,应该是先与散文有关,,诗的因素是从甲骨文的反复记录和书写中萌生的,以后到周公制礼作乐的时代,音乐的音律节奏引导了这种原本从散文文体中孕育出来的诗歌雏形,从而成为了中国最早的诗歌。无论是甲骨文还是礼乐制度,皆为帝王宫廷文化的重要组成,与所谓下层民众并无关系。因此,无论是最早由甲骨文记载的应用体散文,随后一些的政令性散文、记载历史的散文《尚书》,还是与西周礼乐制度密切相关的《诗经》,都同样是贵族政治制度的产物。 中图分类号: I207.23

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 10012435(2014)04041008

Rediscussion of Origin of Chinese Literature

MU Zhai, ZU Qiuyang(College of Liberal Arts, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China) Key words: Chinese literature; origin; inscriptions on bones

Abstract: In terms of literary genrs, the earliest origin is practical prose in the form of inscriptions on bones. The following is poetry, which is closely associated with the two major artistic and cultural types, music and prose. Chinese literature is first connected with prose. Poetry is created with repeated records and writings of inscriptions on bones. In the era of Duke Zhou's making ritual music, the melody and rhythm influence the original form of music derived from prose, which is the earliest poetry. Therefore, the practical prose in inscriptions on bones, the following political prose and the Book of History, or Classic of Poetry closely related with the music system in Western Zhou dynasty, are identically the result of noble political system.





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