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the popularity of sinology, the Chinese modern and contempor

发布时间:2016-10-28 12:30



"The Popularity of Sinology"and the Study of the Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature

[1] [2]

Zhao Xueyong , Tian Wenbing

[1]陕西师范大学文学院,陕西西安710062; [2]兰州大学文学院,甘肃兰州730000


AbstrIn recent years, along with the whole world cultural exchange closing day by day, "the popularity of sinology" presents in the research area of the Chinese modern and contemporary literature strongly. Sinology in different cultural context has subverted the traditional literature view and excavated some batch important writers and the literature phenomenon camouflaged by the mainstream, developed the academic field of vision and brought the new research idea, promoted the change of the research technique and the pattern. However, Because the sinology depends on "the Western discourse" and has the inborn negative influences obviously, such as, the value judgment prejudice of history of literature which caucused by the ideology standpoint, the pan-theorize and the pan-cultural tendency caused by applying the research technique mechanically, and the inferior feeling and the short original strength coming form esteeming the Western theory blindly. Therefore, the correct manner is that both uses for reference and should reconsider, both jumps out the region pattern to accept, and bases the native place culture to dialog with. Otherwise we will lose the academic dignity and the discourse authority and difficult to get rid of the status "he" from the Western discourse hegemony.


Keyword::the popularity of sinology, the Chinese modern and contemporary literature, reconsider


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