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发布时间:2018-05-30 02:09

  本文选题: + 丙烯颜料 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In Chinese traditional culture, he is the symbol of "innocence, high cleanliness" and a common theme in Chinese painting, especially in literati painting and freehand brushwork. Chinese freehand brushwork pays attention to expressing feelings by means of material, expressing aspirations by means of proxies, and artists express their attitudes and feelings by means of the images in their works. He has a beautiful shape, a lot of symbolic significance, but also artists like to describe the object. This article is based on lotus as the creative carrier of the creation of the report. The first chapter is the creation of the works, through the beauty and cultural connotations to illustrate the significance of material selection. The second chapter mainly from ancient to present painters love lotus, and then analyzes the characteristics of their paintings, drawing the way of painting lotus. From the reference of the freehand brushwork spirit in Chinese painting, and then from the concrete to the analysis of the image, the style of the painting of "he Yun" is the expression of the image. The third chapter is to explain their creative process, from composition, color, creative process and techniques to elaborate. The fourth chapter is the creative feeling, using the Netherlands as a small point to view the beauty of nature, to feel the beauty of nature to us; also from the character analysis of the Netherlands, the Netherlands brings me a kind of enlightenment that is free from vulgarity but not from the world. We should learn and develop such excellent character, discover the beauty of nature and life, and learn to be a beautiful person.


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