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发布时间:2018-02-15 02:38

  本文关键词: 舞蹈作品 天地之间 吴带当风  出处:《舞蹈》2014年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In the center of the stage, like the state, like the Zen, like the heart, the spirit seems to condense in the sky, the spirit falls on the ground, the feet stand on the ground, the dance is like Wu Tzu Dangfeng, Cao Yi leaves the water, the "Zen" kneels on the sky, the heart goes between the heaven and the earth, and the soul prays piously up to heaven and earth. With the hand to row the ground, two hands in one, sometimes flying in the sky, but also fluttering in the ground, walk through the earth, slowly disappear in the sky, feeling everything is living, free and free, stage center, state like, Zen like, the heart also seems, the god seems to condense in the sky, Qi falls on the ground, the feet stand on the top of the sky, and the dance is like the Wu belt.


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6 戴利;;关于舞蹈作品的题材[J];艺术研究;2011年03期

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4 田月华;硕果累累 赏心悦目[N];中国文化报;2000年

5 ;群众舞蹈的一次大检阅[N];中国文化报;2000年

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6 曾,




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