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发布时间:2021-07-05 13:30

【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:129 页


    0.1 Raising of the Question
        0.1.1 Trigger of the Thesis
        0.1.2 Research Subject of the Thesis
    0.2 Viewpoints of the Thesis
        0.2.1 Exploited Theories
        0.2.2 Research Methods
        0.2.3 Statements of the Thesis
        0.2.4 Significance
    0.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One Literature Review
    1.1 An Overview of the Previous Study of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
        1.1.1 Defining of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
        1.1.2 Characteristics of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    1.2 Domestic Linguistic Studies of "-men" Words in Chinese
        1.2.1 Morphological Studies
        1.2.2 Syntactic Studies
        1.2.3 Semantic Studies
        1.2.4 Sociolinguistic Studies
        1.2.5 Comments on Studies of "-men" Words in Chinese
    1.3 Overseas Linguistic Studies of "-gate" Words in English
    1.4 Summary
Chapter Two Theoretical Foundations
    2.1 Conceptual Metaphor
        2.1.1 Definition and Nature of Conceptual Metaphor
        2.1.2 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
        2.1.3 Conceptual Metaphor and Words' Meaning
    2.2 Conceptual Metonymy
        2.2.1 Definition and Nature of Conceptual Metonymy
        2.2.2 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metonymy
        2.2.3 Conceptual Metonymy and Words' Meaning
    2.3 Grammaticalization
        2.3.1 Definition of Grammaticalization
        2.3.2 The Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization
        2.3.3 Mechanisms of Grammaticalization
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Cognitive Semantic Studies of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    3.1 Senses and Sense Chains of Gate
        3.1.1 The Basic Sense of Gate and Its Features
        3.1.2 Other Senses and Sense Chains of Gate
    3.2 The Grammaticalization of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
        3.2.1 Meaning Losing of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
        3.2.2 Grammaticalizational Mechanism of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    3.3 Cognitive Context of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Cognitive Motivation of "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    4.1 Psychological Motivation
        4.1.1 Psychology of Simplifying
        4.1.2 Psychology of Changing
        4.1.3 Psychology of Conforming
    4.2 Social Motivation
        4.2.1 Influence of Cultural Memes
        4.2.2 Influence of Slangs
        4.2.3 Influence of Euphemism
        4.2.4 Influence of Mass Media
    4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Comparison between "-gate" Words in English and "-men" Words in Chinese
    5.1 A Morphological Approach
        5.1.1 Numbers of Syllables in Formation
        5.1.2 Ways of Word Formation
        5.1.3 The Attributive Part
    5.2 A Semantic Approach
        5.2.1 Senses of Gate and men
        5.2.2 Degrees of Grammaticalization
    5.3 A Pragmatic Approach
    5.4 Summary
Appendix 1

[1]“门”字作为“丑闻”意指的语义探微[J]. 黄安增.  牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(05)
[2]“××门”中“门”词义的跨语言引申[J]. 周翠英.  青岛大学师范学院学报. 2009(03)
[3]“xx门”引起的关于类词缀一点思考——关于汉语外源类词缀的一点思考[J]. 苏久,石珍.  安徽文学(下半月). 2009(09)
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[8]新兴格式“X门”试析[J]. 詹秀华.  廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2009(01)
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