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发布时间:2021-07-16 11:06


【文章页数】:60 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Review of the Researches of Body Metaphor
        2.1.1 Study of Body Metaphor Abroad
        2.1.2 Study of Body Metaphor at Home
    2.2 Review of the Researches of Foot Metaphor
Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations
    3.1 Experientialism:the Philosophical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor
        3.1.1 Objectivism in Traditional Philosophy
        3.1.2 Experientialism—a Challenge to Objectivism
        3.1.3 Experientialism:the Philosophical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor
    3.2 Conceptual Metaphor
        3.2.1 Cognitive Nature of Conceptual Metaphor
        3.2.2 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
        3.2.3 Systematic Feature of Conceptual Metaphor
    3.3 Conceptual Metonymy
        3.3.1 Working Mechanism of Metonymy
        3.3.2 Classification of Metonymy
        3.3.3 Relationship between Metaphor and Metonymy
    3.4 Image Schema
        3.4.1 Definition and Classification of Image Schema
        3.4.2 Physiological and Physical Basis of Image Schema
        3.4.3 Plus-Minus Parameter of Image Schema
        3.4.4 Role of Image Schema in Metaphorical projection
Chapter 4 Research Method and Data Description
    4.1 Research Method
        4.1.1 Combination of Qualitative and Empirical method
        4.1.2 Combination of Descriptive and Interpretative method
    4.2 Data Description
        4.2.1 Selection of Keywords
        4.2.2 Data Collection
        4.2.3 Data Processing
Chapter 5 Metaphor of Words and Phrases Containing Jiao as a Noun
    5.1 Metaphor of Jiao as a Single Word
    5.2 Metaphor of Compound Words Containing Jiao
        5.2.1 Compound Words involving Actions of Jiao
        5.2.2 Compound Words involving Characteristics of Jiao
        5.2.3 Compound Words involving States of Jiao
        5.2.4 Compound Words involving Jiao of Objects and Animals
    5.3 Metaphor of Jiao with Another Body Part
    5.4 Other Kinds of Metaphor of Jiao
Chapter 6 Metonymy of Words and Phrases Containing Jiao as a Noun
    6.1 Jiao For Person
    6.2 Jiao For Activity Of Jiao
    6.3 Actions Of Jiao For Emotion Of Person
        6.3.1 Raising Feet For Yearning Emotion
        6.3.2 Stamping Feet For Anxious Emotion
        6.3.3 Stamping Feet For Remorseful Emotion
        6.3.4 Jumping Feet For Happy Emotion
        6.3.5 Tiptoeing Feet For Careful Emotion
        6.3.6 Moving Feet Around For Arrogant Emotion
        6.3.7 Putting Feet Together For Close Emotion
    6.4. Actions Of Jiao For A Certain Situation
    6.5 Other kinds of Metonymy of jiao
Chapter 7 Metaphorical Mechanisms of Typical Verbs of Jiao
    7.1 Verbs of jiao Indicating Top-Down Image Schema
    7.2 Verbs of jiao Indicating Bottom-Up Image Schema
    7.3 Verbs of jiao Indicating Extroversive Image Schema
Chapter 8 Conclusions
    8.1 Summary
    8.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study
Publications during the Postgraduate Study

[1]脚的转喻和隐喻分析[J]. 林荫.  赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版). 2010(01)
[2]“眼”的概念隐喻——基于语料的英汉对比研究[J]. 覃修桂.  外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(05)
[3]英汉人体词汇隐喻的对比研究——以“手”为例[J]. 马小玲.  玉溪师范学院学报. 2007(10)
[4]“头”的语法化考察[J]. 高航,严辰松.  外语研究. 2007(02)
[5]“心”词语的认知框架[J]. 齐振海,王义娜.  外语学刊. 2007(01)
[6]英语“hand”和汉语“手”之一词多义对比[J]. 严爽.  浙江科技学院学报. 2006(04)
[7]“足”与“脚”之比较分析[J]. 翟明女.  语文知识. 2006(11)
[8]“眼”的隐喻[J]. 王莉.  现代语文. 2006(06)
[9]从“头”认知——转喻、隐喻与一词多义现象研究[J]. 李瑛,文旭.  外语教学. 2006(03)
[10]身体词的隐喻研究——以汉语“手”类词为例[J]. 邵健.  杭州师范学院学报(医学版). 2005(05)

[1]中英人体动作隐喻对比分析[D]. 郑宝花.华中师范大学 2009
[2]对英汉两种语言中HEAD HAND HEART隐喻用法的认知研究[D]. 井燕.大连海事大学 2008
[3]英汉人体隐喻的文化研究[D]. 张云.南京师范大学 2007
[4]从文化角度看人体隐喻的认知研究[D]. 李红.四川大学 2007
[5]基于语料库的身体隐喻研究[D]. 林星.福建师范大学 2007
[6]从认知角度看人体隐喻[D]. 高晓荣.河北师范大学 2006
[7]英汉人体隐喻对比研究[D]. 张昕昕.东北师范大学 2006
[8]人体隐喻的认知研究[D]. 黄凤.四川大学 2006
[9]“手”隐喻的认知性分析[D]. 王群.华北电力大学(北京) 2005
[10]英汉人体隐喻对比研究[D]. 唐亚维.湖南师范大学 2005




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