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发布时间:2021-10-08 11:24
  互联网是社会信息化和现代化的标志,正在改变着人类的生活方式,阅读新闻这一日常活动的形式也悄然发生了变化。网络新闻正在逐步取代纸质新闻,使阅读变得更加快捷。然而,受到网络空间和读者时间的限制,新闻标题就显得尤为重要。网络新闻标题要将新闻事实准确生动地表达出来并吸引读者,常用的手段之一就是仿拟。仿拟是一种“仿”照某种现成的语言形式“拟”造一个临时性新说法的修辞方法。将仿拟应用到网络新闻标题中,在有限的空间内利用人们已熟悉的话语方式在特定的语境中不仅能够表达出新奇的意味,而且使新闻标题言简意赅、形象生动、通俗易懂。运用Fauconnier和Turner等人提出的概念整合理论(Conceptual Integration Theory)和概念整合网络(Conceptual Integration Network),本论文从认知的角度对网络新闻标题中仿拟的意义构建进行分析。通过分析证明这一理论对网络新闻标题中仿拟使用的意义构建阐释的可操作性和适应性,而且为仿拟的研究提供了全新的认知角度和方法。本文从网络中选取了大量的例子作为分析样本,从输入空间(Input Spaces)、类属空间(Generi... 

【文章来源】:北京交通大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:69 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Significance of the Study
    1.3 Data Collection and Methodology
    1.4 Layout of the Paper
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Studies of CIT at Home and Abroad
        2.1.1 Works of CIT Abroad
        2.1.2 Articles and Theses of CIT in China
    2.2 Studies of Parody
        2.2.1 Rhetorical Study of Parody
        2.2.2 Pragmatic Study of Parody
        2.2.3 Cognitive Study of Parody
    2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 The Network Model of Conceptual Integration Theory
        3.1.1 Four Spaces of CIT
        3.1.2 Cross-space Mapping and Selective Projection
        3.1.3 Generic Space and Blend Space
    3.2 Optimality Principles
    3.3 Types of Integration Network
        3.3.1 Simplex Network
        3.3.2 Mirror Network
        3.3.3 Single-scope Network
        3.3.4 Double-scope Network
        3.3.5 Multiple-scope Network
    3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 CIT Network of Parodies in Internet News Headlines
    4.1 Application of CIT to Internet News Headlines
        4.1.1 Input and Generic Spaces
        4.1.2 Mapping and Projection
        4.1.3 Blending and Emergent Structure
    4.2 Case Studies of Internet News Headlines Following the Conceptual Integration Network
        4.2.1 A Case Study of Single-scope Network
        4.2.2 A Case Study of Double-scope Network
        4.2.3 A Case Study of Multiple-scope Network
    4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Application Effects and Strategies of Parody
    5.1 Feasibility of CIT in Explaining the Effects of Parody in Internet News Headlines
    5.2 Positive Effects of Parody
        5.2.1 Irony and Humor
        5.2.2 Strangeness and Novelty
        5.2.3 Contrast and Emphasis
        5.2.4 Convenience and Conciseness
    5.3 Negative Effects of Parody and Strategies
        5.3.1 Types of Negative Deviation
        5.3.2 The Strategies of Application of Parody
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusions




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