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发布时间:2018-07-13 13:51
[Abstract]:From the late Edo period to the early Meiji period, there has been a surge in the creation of Yan poetry in the Han poetry world in Japan. Among them, Takei Heting's "Yin Xiang Collection" is a representative work, which contains his early poems. However, the later transformation of his poetic style made him take a negative attitude towards these poems and their own images, which made the Collection of Yin Xiang take on a complicated meaning direction. However, with the further prosperity of the style of Yan poem creation, he Ting's image as a brilliant poet has been fully established and even regarded as the guide of the leader of the early Meiji poetry circle, Sen Chun-tao. In this sense, The poet's image and status under the background of the evolution of Edo Meiji poetic style are the result of people's expectation and interpretation.
【作者单位】: 浙江财经大学人文与传播学院;上海师范大学人文与传播学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目《东亚汉诗史初编》,项目编号:14AZW007 中国博士后科学基金《好色与“好色”之间——日本江户;明治时期艳诗研究》,项目编号:2016M591587




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