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发布时间:2023-03-30 05:44
  故事情节充斥着人类生活的方方面面,数量庞大、形式众多。承载故事的媒介也各不相同,如文字、语言、图像、影视和动作手势都可以用来讲述故事。故事可以出现在传说、文学、历史、谈话和新闻报道中。故事在任何时代、任何地方和任何文化中都普遍存在。只要有人类的地方,就会有故事。我们把生命中相当一部分时间用来编故事、讲故事、听故事、读故事、看故事。虽然我们无须像《一千零一夜》中的皇后一样靠讲故事来延续自己的生命,但我们确实无法离开故事而存在。人们用故事来交流经验,传递信息,表达理想,寄寓道德规范。生活中的事件只要进入日常聊天,总会以故事的形式出现。甚至新闻报道、历史记载、人物传记也往往都是以故事的形式呈现给我们。世界是散乱无序的,但人们用结构完整、目的明确、涵义清晰的故事而使得世界变得井然有序。 从小说来看,故事情节同样起着举足轻重的作用。小说家通过对素材的筛选和安排,创造出一个按时间顺序和因果关系相结合的事件序列,赋予它整齐的结构,并让它表达特定的思想。这样的事件序列就是情节,作者正是通过它使小说主人公的行为具有意义,同时也使得小说创作本身具有意义。小说情节研究关注事件序列整体,而不是独立事件...

【文章页数】:198 页


Lists of Abbreviations
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
I. Introduction
    A. Plot
        1. What is plot?
        2. The possibility and ways of abstracting plot from a text
    B. The significance of studying plot
    C. The significance of studying the plot in Conrad's fiction
II. A typological study of Conrad's plot
    A. Isolation mode of tragedy in Conrad's fiction
        1. Definition of isolation mode of tragedy
        2. Isolation mode of tragedy in Conrad's fiction
            a. The pre-fall stage, where the ambitious protagonist is unsatisfied
            b. The second stage: the character's first fall as a free choice driven by ambition
            c. The third stage: the isolation from the society due to his first fall
            d. The fourth stage: the character's second fall also as a free choice driven by his ambition
            e. The fifth stage: the last choice either to surrender or to accept his fate courageously
            f. The sixth stage: the denouement
        3. A conclusion for the isolation mode of tragedy in Conrad's fiction
    B. Repetition mode of tragedy in Conrad's fiction
        1. Definition of repetition mode of tragedy
        2. Individual's repetition of a mistake
        3. The repetition of a mistake by different persons
III. The Double Plot in Conrad's Fiction
    A. The definition of double plot
    B. The double plot in Conrad's fiction
        1. Representation or creation?
            a. The limited access to the information
            b. The limitations of language
            c. The attempt of plotting a good story, complete and meaningful
        2. Biography or autobiography?
    C. The causes and effect of the double plot in Conrad's fiction
IV. Conclusion
Works Cited




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