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发布时间:2017-06-10 14:22


【关键词】:克莱尔·梅苏德 《皇帝的孩子》 知识分子 危机
  • Acknowledgements5-6
  • Abstract6-7
  • 摘要7-9
  • Introduction9-19
  • I The Intellectuals in Exile19-33
  • 1.1 Murray as the Academic and Political Defector20-25
  • 1.2 Bootie and Seeley as the Cultural Marginals25-33
  • II The Intellectuals in Bewilderment33-47
  • 2.1 Struggling in Gender Role33-39
  • 2.2 Striving for Social Discourse39-47
  • III The Intellectuals in Restoring of the Social Responsibility47-59
  • 3.1 Quest for the Sense of Belonging48-53
  • 3.2 Pursuit of the Reestablishment of Career53-59
  • Conclusion59-61
  • Works Cited61-65
  • Appendix A65-67
  • Appendix B67-69


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前4条

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