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发布时间:2017-07-07 12:12


  更多相关文章: 多丽丝·莱辛 女性主义叙事学 《天黑前的夏天》 女性权威

【关键词】:多丽丝·莱辛 女性主义叙事学 《天黑前的夏天》 女性权威
  • Acknowledgements4-5
  • Abstract5-6
  • 摘要6-8
  • Chapter One Introduction8-18
  • 1.1 An Introduction to Doris Lessing8-11
  • 1.2 Literature Review11-14
  • 1.3 The Originality of This Paper14-15
  • 1.4 The Structure of This Paper15-18
  • Chapter Two Female Authority Constructed Through Narrative Voice18-33
  • 2.1 Narrative Voice and Feminist Narratological Voice18-19
  • 2.2 The Authorial Voice of a Woman Writer19-24
  • 2.3 The Female Personal Voice24-28
  • 2.4 Communal Voice of Female Protagonists28-33
  • Chapter Three Female Authority Constructed Through Points of View33-43
  • 3.1 The Third Person Omniscient Point of View34-37
  • 3.2 The Fixed Internal Point of View37-40
  • 3.3 The Interwoven of the Third Person and the Fixed Internal Point of View40-43
  • Chapter Four Female Authority Constructed Through Spatial Narrative43-50
  • 4.1 Topographical Space43-44
  • 4.2 The House44-46
  • 4.3 The Hotel46-48
  • 4.4 Maureen's Flat48-50
  • Conclusion50-53
  • Works Cited53-56
  • Publications56


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1 ;Sprachscherze(2)[J];德语学习;2010年02期

2 王程;;Doris Lessing's Frame-Shifting in The Memoirs of a Survivor[J];读与写(教育教学刊);2011年05期

3 李争;;Reflection on Feminine Living Dilemma——a feminist reading of Doris Lessing's To Room Nineteen[J];科技信息;2010年36期

4 刘庆丽;;A Thematic Analysis of Doris Lessing’ How I Finally Lost My Heart from Feminist Approach[J];海外英语;2012年19期

5 杨永青;李倩;;Feminine Narration:from the Discourse of the Heroine Jane in The Diaries of Jane Somers[J];文学界(理论版);2012年11期

6 袁彩荣;;An Interpretation of Mary's Tragedy from the Perspective of Interpersonal Ethics[J];海外英语;2013年09期

7 冯平;;An Analysis of "the Other" and "the Other World" in Doris Lessing's The Grass Is Singing[J];阴山学刊;2011年05期

8 ;On Urban Space Writing in Doris Lessing's Fictions[J];Comparative Literature:East & West;2009年01期

9 欧亚美;;Debunking Partriarchy:A Feminist Paradym of Doris Lessing's the Golden Notebook[J];海外英语;2011年06期

10 ;Reading the Maternal in The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing[J];Comparative Literature:East & West;2010年02期

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