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发布时间:2016-11-15 09:06




HIS管理系统是近年来医疗企业极力秉崇的一种企业资源管理方案,他将先进的管理思想与高速发展的信息技术结合在一起,通过在企业内部上马实施HIS系统来管理企业的各项经营活动及日常事务,从而达到优化资源配置,提高工作效率,增强竞争实力的目的。一套HIS系统的设计实施过程,就是融先进管理策略于HIS软件并通过硬件系统运行的过程。综观企业管理软件的发展历程可以总结如下:市场竞争激烈程度,市场竞争范围,以及市场与客户需求变化速度这三个因素的不断变化,推动了企业管理软件的发展,直到今天的HIS系统。随着计算机技术的发展和普及,医院需要借助计算机技术来提高医院的各项管理能力和自身的工作效率。因此医院管理信息系统就成为各家医院信息化必备的工具,是医院日常管理不可缺少的工具之一。与此同时,软件开发环境的高度集成和数据库技术的日益成熟,为医院管理信息系统的开发提供了技术基础,极大地降低了系统开发成本,降低了使用门槛,为医院信息系统的普及提供了可能。同时系统开发工具的智能化,人性化,使得所开发的系统充分满足了医院的各种需要,从医院的各个环节对人流、信息流进行统一管理。我们应用现有的技术和环境,开发了这个医院管理系统,不但提高了医院的经济效益,而且使医院信息管理工作尽快达到科学化,制度化,规范化的要求。在费用功能设计上,为了实现通用性和灵活性,我借鉴了用友公司的部分开发思想,即不把现有的费用作为固定字段存入数据库中,而是为用户提供一个设置界面,使其可以根据实际情况进行设计。同时与用友公司设计不同的是,我们设计的设置界面只是由用户输入或选择具体费用项目及其适用工种,而非像数据库中设计表那样,由用户输入费用名称、规定其数据类型、数据长度等,这样设计有两个目的:一是为了维护数据库的安全性,二是为了降低对用户的要求,这样设计对于维护系统的安全性及提高操作的友好性是颇有益处。同时为了及时查询方便,已作废的费用项目仍保留在数据库中。这种设计策略所形成的模块无疑具有极强的可移植性,每个用户只需要根据自己的具体要求进行设置即可,一旦费用项目发生转变,也只需重新设置,而不必去大动干戈地修改数据库及相关软件模块。本文重点介绍延边妇幼保健医院HIS系统住院不管理系统中的住院结算收费系统和住院药房管理系统的设计与开发,根据用户的需求采用Power Build 8.0作为开发工具,使设计功能及操作界面达到较高水平。

【Abstract】 HIS(Hospital Information System)is an excellent Enterpise Resource Planning scheme. It combines the advaced planning ider and high-speed developed information technology. An enterprise can optimize resource scheme and improve efficiency and make competition stronger by implementing HIS system to operate the enterprise. A course of designing HIS and putting it in practice is a course of combining advabced managing method to HIS software and running it over the hardware system.At the same time, highly integrated software development environment and the much more sophisticated database technology helps the hospital management information system development to provide a technical basis, so that it greatly reduces the costs of system development, reduces the use of the standards, and makes the popularity of the hospital information system possible. Therefore, the hospital management information system seems to become the necessary tools of the hospitals’information, as well as the indispensable tool to the daily management of the hospital.With the development and popularization of computer technology, hospitals need to use computer technology to improve the management capacity of hospitals and their own efficiency.At the same time, the intelligentization of the system development tool and humanization make the system developed to fully meet the various needs of the various links from the hospital on the flow and information flow for unified management. The application of the existing technology and environment, and the development of the hospital management system, not only improve the economic efficiency, but also satisfy the hospital information management as soon as possible to achieve the scientific, institutionalized and standardized requirements.In the function design ,in order to realizing currency and agility ,I use the expenses module design idea partly from YongYou Compang for reference.That is: Not saving the present expenses items as fixed field to database but providing the user a setting interface to make the user to set the present expenses items and the type of work in point according to the practical instance. Also with use-friend company design different is, we design the Settings interface is just a user input or choose specific expenses project and its suitable jobs, not like the database design table by user input costs, that name, provisions its data type, length of data, such designs have two purposes: maintaining the security of the database and depressing the requirement to the user. This design method is availability to maintain the security of the system and improve the kindness of operating. Also in time inquires the convenient, has canceled expense items remain in the database. This design method by the formation of the module undoubtedly have strong portability, each user need only according to their specific requirements for setting can, once the expense item change, also just reset, and don’t painful reforms to modify the database and related software modules.This article focuses on the HIS system of the maternal and child care service centre of YanBian, about the design and development of the fee billing system and hospital pharmacy management system, according to the needs of users by Power Build 8.0 as a development tool, in order to make the design features and users’operation interface to a higher level.

【关键词】 医院信息管理系统; 住院结算收费系统; 住院药房管理系统; Power Build 8.0; 数据库;
【Key words】 hospital information management system; billing system charges of hospitalization; hospital pharmacy management system; Power Build 8.0; Database;

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