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发布时间:2022-01-14 02:16


【文章页数】:101 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research significance
    1.3 Research contents
    1.4 Research framework
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Related concepts of strategic management
        2.1.1 The concept of strategy
        2.1.2 The concept of strategic management
    2.2 The foreign research and development in strategic management
    2.3 The domestic research and development in public hospital strategic management
    2.4 Research and analysis method
        2.4.1 PEST analysis
        2.4.2 SWOT analysis
Chapter3 Case Description
    3.1 Description of Y hospital
        3.1.1 Hospital administrative management
        3.1.2 Administrative offices
        3.1.3 Faculty
        3.1.4 Departments
        3.1.5 Scientific research
        3.1.6 Health care
        3.1.7 Medical education
        3.1.8 International partnerships
    3.2 Cultural concept of Y hospital
        3.2.1 Hospital Tenet
        3.2.2 Hospital Motto
    3.3 Strategic analysis of Y hospital
        3.3.1 External environment analysis
        3.3.2 Internal environment analysis
Chapter4 Strategy development of Y hospital
    4.1 The SWOT analysis of Y hospital
        4.1.1 Strengths analysis
        4.1.2 Weakness analysis
        4.1.3 Opportunity analysis
        4.1.4 Threats analysis
        4.1.5 The SWOT matrix analysis of Y hospital
    4.2 Strategy of Y hospital
        4.2.1 The overall development strategy of Y hospital
        4.2.2 Three stages of development and priorities
Chapter5 Strategy Implementation of Y hospital
    5.1 Optimize the mode of hospital management and enhance the Ability of lean management
        5.1.1 Strengthen the refinement of hospital management objectives
        5.1.2 Strengthen the refinement of basic management
        5.1.3 Improve the refined allocation of resources
        5.1.4 Strengthen the refined cost control
        5.1.5 Ensure the refinement of logistics work
        5.1.6 Realize refinement of management quality
        5.1.7 Promote performance reform and refinement of management
    5.2 Accelerate the process of hospital infrastructure construction and informatization,and further improve and enhance the environment for medical treatment
        5.2.1 Strenthen the overall information construction
        5.2.2 Enhance the application of informatization to improve the level of hospital management
        5.2.3 Establish a complete and advanced telemedicine platform to realize data sharing within the medical alliance
        5.2.4 Build smart digital hospitals by means of"Internet+"
    5.3 Accelerate the renovation and upgrading of the east division and promote the stable development of Hui-ya hospital
        5.3.1 Explore the development strategy of the east division and accelerate the pace of its development
        5.3.2 Promote the healthy development situation of Hui-ya hospital
    5.4 Improve the quality and awareness of quality service
        5.4.1 Improve medical management and optimize medical services
        5.4.2 Establish and improve the medical service quality management and monitoring index system
        5.4.3 Improve the quality of outpatient service and people's experience of seeing a doctor
        5.4.4 Manage disease prevention and control,medical record and medical insurance
        5.4.5 Enhance the pace of clinical nursing reform and improve the quality of nursing services
    5.5 Talent echelon construction:build talent highland,expand and deepen international exchanges and cooperation
        5.5.1 Strengthen talent introduction and training to build high-level talent echelon
        5.5.2 Optimize talent development ecology centering on talent demand
        5.5.3 Broaden international cooperation space and enhance international influence
    5.6 Deepen teaching reform and innovation and improve teaching level
        5.6.1 Strengthen undergraduate education
        5.6.2 Strengthen graduate education
        5.6.3 Strengthen continuing education
    5.7 Centralize superior resources to build an integrated platform for major disciplines and facilitate discipline construction
        5.7.1 Improve the construction level of large platform based on the construction of precision medical college
        5.7.2 Strengthen scientific and technological innovation and basic research
    5.8 Enrich hospital culture and promote harmonious development
        5.8.1 Increase publicity to establish and maintain a good image of medical staff
        5.8.2 Broaden hospital publicity channels and actively spread positive energy
        5.8.3 Go deep into the grassroots and actively carry out social service
    5.9 Strengthen party conduct and build a clean government
        5.9.1 Strengthen ideological construction
        5.9.2 Strengthen organizational construction
        5.9.3 Strengthen style construction
        5.9.4 Strengthen party conduct and clean government
Chapter6 Conclusions and Suggestions
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Suggestions
    6.3 Limitation

[1]公立医院发展转型、财务管理升级与会计人才培养研究[J]. 郑大喜.  中国卫生经济. 2017(03)
[2]在公立医院精细化管理中实施管理会计[J]. 方霞波.  中国卫生经济. 2015(06)
[3]当代西方战略管理学派评价与发展趋势[J]. 强志源.  天津师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2014(03)




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